Example sentences of "[pers pn] almost [adj] for [pron] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 The nature of the Premier League club chairmen , most of whom are highly successful businsessmen , not without confidence in their own judgement , makes it almost impossible for them to give others carte blanche .
2 The number and density of flying bodies make it almost impossible for them to select and catch a particular individual .
3 Having been to a coeducational school , she did not find men a novelty , and in theory ought to have been able to discriminate better than Liz ( who endured some fairly dreadful experimental evenings in her search for entertainment ) , but her natural kindness made it almost impossible for her to refuse any overture , however offensive , however louche .
4 ‘ I also know that Mrs Chapman has arthritis which makes it almost impossible for her to climb those stairs to the little flat , ’ I added for good measure .
5 The empty pot was heavy and Asik found it very difficult to walk without carrying anything , but the pot made it almost impossible for him to move at any speed .
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