Example sentences of "[pers pn] could [adv] feel the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But I could only feel the sun on the back of my head and a sad , frightened sensation , as if something inside me was crying .
2 I could almost feel the river running behind me , beyond the earthen path .
3 His hands strayed down to a spot just below the first frill on her skirt and he pushed his hips against hers so that she could clearly feel the bulge between his legs .
4 The moment she was seated he let her go , but she could still feel the imprint of his grip like iron wrapped in velvet .
5 ‘ My God ! ’ she murmured , touching her fingers to her lips as though she could still feel the imprint of his ravaging mouth .
6 She could still feel the imprint on her brow .
7 And she could still feel the moment when hope , as his face had bent towards her , had melted into an emotion much more like disappointment .
8 Sir , to do summat to do like she was paralysed but she could still feel the pain ?
9 She could still feel the pressure of his fingers .
10 She could still feel the impression of Ven 's mouth , warm where he had kissed her , where that super , terrific mouth had actually touched her skin .
11 ‘ Not the most brilliant thought you 've ever had , Flo , ’ Maria ventured tartly , moving away again , avoiding Luke 's eyes although she could literally feel the weight of his attention on her .
12 Suddenly he was close to her , the drinks tray slid expertly on to a counter-top , and she could almost feel the warmth that emanated from his skin .
13 He was close , his powerful , bare chest pressing up against the towelling of her robe ; she could almost feel the anger pumping around his body .
14 With central heating and fewer smokers these days , the decoration in a home can last 10 years or more with only a couple of adult occupants and you could therefore feel the need for change long before it really needs doing .
15 My legs were so cold you could really feel the draft !
16 The beast did n't seem aggressive , but we could still feel the power radiating from it .
17 ‘ Sometimes when I take him to the local toddler group and watch him playing with the other children , I think it would be great if he could just feel the sand in the sandpit between his toes and know what it 's like to get his hands all messed up with play dough or paint — the things other children take for granted . ’
18 He suddenly felt cold but he could also feel the sweat running down the sides of his face .
19 He believed it must be doing him good , and he could certainly feel the burn afterwards .
20 And the ordeal of putting up the lists — he could still feel the brute weight of Allan Stewart 's shoulder jolting him aside , the smell of whisky on his breath , and then the twilit hours lying low beside the minister in the church , waiting for the hubbub outside to die away .
21 As he spoke he could almost feel the dagger looks from Bliss piercing his back .
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