Example sentences of "[pers pn] would probably [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But like , I could say to you , you know ah , you know , how are yo , you know , and I 'd probably make a joke out of it !
2 ‘ Well , I 'd still like to get married , but if someone actually proposed to me I 'd probably run a mile from that as well . ’
3 REGARDING the wolf whistling debate , should I ever receive such a gesture I think I 'd die of shock , But should some young , dishy male give me a whistle I would probably give a wink and a whistle back .
4 Since she hardly ever drank , she 'd probably have a hangover to contend with on top of everything else come morning , but frankly it would be a relief to have something else to think about other than Adam .
5 They also do n't like wind rock so in a , an exposed position young plants do really need more staking than you 'd probably give a bush because they tend to rot off at the roots if they grow around a lot .
6 It 's probably erm , yeah I think you 'd probably have a shot at your yellow .
7 It 's probably erm , yeah I think you 'd probably have a shot at your yellow .
8 If we were doing it seven days a week , fair enough , you 'd probably need a chainsaw but anything , the loppers or the handsaw .
9 She would probably feel a lot better for having done so too .
10 There are other methods of storing food such as preserving , drying , or bottling , but these are of limited value if you live on your own , since , even if you entertain a lot , you would probably waste a lot of preserves or bottled food , as their condition quickly deteriorates once the jar or bottle is opened .
11 I mean we all live in a society where people wear clothes and we 'd probably feel a bit ashamed if we did n't have to wear any , but if you grew up in a society where nobody wears clothes , you would n't , would n't bother about it for one moment .
12 If we did n't play music we 'd probably get a baseball team together .
13 They 'd probably have a row about it .
14 After most peoples experiences of travelling on camels they would probably find a penny farthing easier , but Robyn Davidson trekked 1,700 miles across the Australian desert with two camels and a dog for company .
15 And if she flung Rupert and Ianthe together they would probably take a dislike to each other .
16 He 'd probably take a belt to the poor boy . ’
17 My suggestion is that the evolution of subcutaneous fat in neonates and post-natal depression is an example of co-evolution and what has happened is mothers are programmed to be depressed for the first few days after birth because in primal conditions when remember this is where evolution set the parameters of human behaviour , in primal conditions it would probably pay a mother to test her new-born offspring to see if it could survive , because if it was defective or if it was sickly , or if there was some reason why that baby could n't make it to adulthood and its own reproductive life , that mother should not invest in it , because that 's her reproductive success .
18 I looked at this detail with some interest , thinking it would probably tell a psychologist a great deal about Victor Frankenstein 's thought processes during this period of his engagement .
19 If they did anything it would probably bring a response from the West
20 Discs was a Viking on a rape and pillage tour , it would probably write a letter to apologise afterwards .
21 Aye it would probably help a bit .
22 It would probably take a week of rain like this to reduce the forest-fire hazard . ’
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