Example sentences of "[pers pn] be difficult for us [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 It 's difficult for us to understand why everybody wants to talk about the Russians all the time , ’ says ballerina Fiona Chadwick .
2 It 's difficult for us to get time off to come here ’ , says Justa Quispe , mother of five .
3 And it 's , it 's difficult for us to tell because we do n't have that many regional studies to be able to know exactly what it was that was determining these differences of values .
4 In our economy , where we are so familiar with money , it is difficult for us to envisage any other ways in which goods can be acquired , but in the past all sorts of mechanisms were employed and the same is true in the Third World today .
5 And under the present present planning framework it is difficult for us to do .
6 They are , quite clearly , highly organized and know what they are about , though it is difficult for us to reach into their world and see it from their point of view .
7 Not surprisingly it is difficult for us to decide both how good and how genuinely popular all live variety was , let alone its precise relationship to the new entertainment of the movies .
8 It is difficult for us to see what Polybius added to his history after 146 , but where the additions are clear the anxiety and the warning are equally clear .
9 It is difficult for us to acknowledge that violence and destruction , on both sides , are expressions of ‘ rational ’ behaviour ; that ‘ reason ’ may be at the heart of violence .
10 Policies have their conditions and we try to make them as user friendly as possible but if people do not read conditions it is difficult for us to say we will ignore those conditions . ’
11 A hyaena 's nasal membranes have a surface area fifty times bigger and the richness of the information they can gather is so great and varied that it is difficult for us to appreciate it .
12 It is difficult for us to imagine the characteristics of wines described by critics writing a mere generation ago , let alone those of wines described centuries ago .
13 It is difficult for us to imagine now , but at the time this was a revolutionary book , not only because it put a new type of archaeological field monument , the deserted medieval village ( DMV ) , firmly on the map , but also because it heralded a new era in the study of rural settlements in this country .
14 The psychologist Abraham Maslow concluded that , if these basic physical and security needs are not satisfied , it is difficult for us to fulfil our higher needs .
15 For people of my generation , children of the sixties , sex and freedom are so inextricably connected that it is difficult for us to accept that someone can be totally uninhibited in bed and still have a Reader 's Digest mentality .
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