Example sentences of "[pers pn] be wait for [pers pn] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 She was waiting for him and ran across the entrance court to meet him .
2 She was glad she had the stone , when he came into the byre ; she was waiting for him as he had asked her to , she had made her way across the orchard in the fresh blue morning and let herself in through the wooden door by lifting it off its hinges , since the bolt had rusted fast long ago , and she had looked up at the full moon of the sky in the chimney hole at the centre of the round shelter 's roof , and with her stone which was sharp as a shearing knife with a bright , honed blade the marks of the whetstone were still visible in pale striations like scouring tracks — she scraped her name into one of the stones on the interior , as many others had done before her , in tall shapely capitals , the only letters she knew .
3 Erm and , anyway , on the health and safety contractors on site thing Stuart has actually read the documentation and he 's quite happy with it , and we 're waiting for you and Martin to feed back as well on it .
4 they 're waiting for you as the train pulls in .
5 They 're waiting for you when you get to work , and you ca n't get on with whatever you want to do , you have interruption after interruption .
6 I looked at set-backs as if they were predetermined , as if a fixed number of them were waiting for me and once one of them was overcome the number to come decreased .
7 It was waiting for me when I recently returned from Namibia where lesbians and gay men are isolated and unrecognized , and have no solidarity network .
8 He was waiting for me when I arrived .
9 After school , he was waiting for me and he exposed himself to me .
10 She worked with one photographer , some of the shots he had brought back spectacular , and he was waiting for her as she walked into the office .
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