Example sentences of "[pers pn] [was/were] all [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You were all over each other on Monday morning . ’
2 Says a pal : ‘ They were all over each other like a pair of love-struck teenagers . ’
3 ‘ Pensioners hardly even got a mention in the Budget , it was all about small businesses and the like .
4 Somebody re-mixed You 're My Best Friend the other day and I always thought it would be nice to re-balance that stuff , but when we got the tape out , it was all on one track , so that 's it . ’
5 It was all in legal gobbledegook and took a bit of working out but Lord Chatwin had added some words of his own at the end : ‘ If my beloved Spiggy is found everything goes to him and his heirs . ’
6 It was all in one piece and could n't be opened , and she judged it as being thick enough to resist breaking , even under the impact of one of the chairs .
7 ‘ They asked me if there was anything worn under the kilt and I told them no , it was all in good working order , ’ remarked Lewis drily .
8 It was all in startling contrast to Stephen in his mud-caked shorts , T-shirt and docksiders .
9 The brilliance of the blue and gold morning , the fragrance of fresh-ground coffee , the tranquil pool and bewitching glimpse of blue sea beyond — it was all in marked contrast to her bleak mood .
10 At the symposium , ‘ Are You Prepared for IT ? ’ , hosted by Zenith Data Systems , Gates spoke out on object programming , saying he thought the concept was just another hype that extends far beyond the reality available today — having said that , he said to look out for Microsoft 's Object Linking and Embedding 2.0 ‘ during 1993 ’ , saying he was all for any technology that will enable the economical re-use of parts of programs .
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