Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb mod] put [adv] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I must put out the candle or it will burn itself out . ’
2 I 'll put on the light ; it will make the dream seem less real . ’
3 ‘ I 'm not God , but I 'll put in a word for you , ’ Mr Lambert said quietly , pushing her behind him .
4 Perhaps I 'll put in a word for you sometime . ’
5 Well , the thing is what 's happening , I thought we might spend some time on if wanted , what I wanted to do was to be sure in my own mind that by the second week I could put up a master sheet with all the headings of what you were doing , that 's got ta be done .
6 In spite of his earlier suggestion that I should talk as I ate , Sir Edmund refused to listen to me until I 'd put away a plate of his favourite devilled kidneys .
7 Erm well I 'd put down the U N
8 And to be more explicit and to show you how tall I stand by the giant , I will put down a simile of human life as far as I now perceive it ; that is , to the point to which I say we both have arrived at .
9 With permission , I will put together the Questions on the statutory instruments .
10 I can put on a dress and go to an awards ceremony .
11 I can put out an all-points on it . ’
12 I can put out the announcement but I do n't think James Worsdale will show up . ’
13 I can put down a school teacher does that help ?
14 At about 1,000 feet you should put away the maps , select a good field and check it for slopes and surface etc .
15 Marjorie , however , feels that she must put in an appearance downstairs , however token , before he leaves for work , and there is a sense in which Vic understands and approves of this gesture .
16 ‘ I was hoping you might put in an appearance .
17 After the curtain had come down and she 'd put away the props she hid in the extra 's dressing-room in case the reporter had changed his mind and dared to wait for her .
18 She 'd put on a dress for lunch .
19 Eventually , after failing to distract Gentle from his labours , she 'd put down the phone and traipsed back to her cold bed in a foul humour .
20 ‘ I was wondering if you could put out a message over the public address system to tell him I 'm here .
21 There was an hour yet before she need put in an appearance in the restaurant for the evening meal .
22 What was certain was that she would put in an appearance that evening at Jeffrey Archer 's great party ; the one social event in the Brighton calendar which was quite definitely not to be missed .
23 She would put out the lamp in a little while , she promised herself .
24 She will travel to Luxembourg for the parliament on March 30 and 31 where she will put forward the views and concerns of local pensioners .
25 Neil is assuming now that you will put together the supplement — editorial and advertisers .
26 However , you will get more credit if you can put forward a solution which allows you to operate effectively with the staff you already have .
27 If you can put away the fact that John has already er
28 but the whole point is you can put down every detail in a letter for them to read , to put on file , ca n't you ?
29 So , in that spirit , you can put together a library from whatever source you choose — just trolling round the many Bulletin Board Systems using a fast modem can net you gigabytes of files , and some really good stuff too .
30 So we may put together a future for Mankind brick by brick .
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