Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb mod] [adv] be surprising [subord] " in BNC.

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1 It would also be surprising if the problems for which we have developed such services , be they , in our case , radio isotope testing , or information retrieval software , or computer systems for stock or other control , were not equally recognized by competitors and people in other fields of business .
2 It would not be surprising if Japanese tourists now go in search of gardens she created , or of the grave into which her coffin was gently lowered by gardeners in 1932 .
3 After 20 years of close co-operation , it would not be surprising if there were a pro-Iraq lobby inside the Soviet ministry of defence .
4 The commencement of the major attack on Britain and ‘ the complete destruction of the island ’ was now seen as urgent ; Germany , it was felt , could last a third war winter , but sabotage would increase , and it would not be surprising if another ‘ November 1918 ’ was the result .
5 It would not be surprising if the surplus were now between £200m and £300m , giving a total for the newly enlarged BTR group of about £750m .
6 It would not be surprising if you found that the work started arriving either only just on time or even late .
7 It would not be surprising if Nicholas did n't share his things next time round .
8 Let us admit that since the FFYP was the very first exercise of its kind in history , it would not be surprising if there were discrepancies , failures of some kind .
9 Since Alford was described on the ballot paper merely as ‘ The Labour Candidate ’ , it would not be surprising if quite a few voters were confused , and voted for him by mistake .
10 So it would not be surprising if our Sun were in partnership with another star which had degenerated to become a black hole .
11 Add all these problems together and it would not be surprising if some employees refuse foreign postings .
12 It would not be surprising if by now she had forgotten my name .
13 It would not be surprising if , to gain popular support for emancipationist petitions , reformers had to work very hard .
14 It would not be surprising if today 's figures were underestimates , too .
15 Against this background , and given the other demands on his time , it would not be surprising if Mr Christopher 's interest flagged .
16 If he does make another comeback though , it would not be surprising if he wins a fourth title because , if he can get back behind a wheel six weeks after being so close to death , there is no knowing what the courageous Austrian can do .
17 It would not be surprising if there were ; if science courses tended to act as a brake on students ' intellectual formation .
18 It would not be surprising if such theses showed a different publication and citation pattern from those reporting primary research results .
19 In those with severe , flat-destructive ( type 3 ) mucosal lesions and evident malabsorption , however , it would not be surprising if changes in rectal mucosa , caused , perhaps by the passage of residual antigenic fragments of gliadin through the colon , were seen .
20 It would not be surprising if Malcolm renewed his efforts c.1016-18 , considering the likely state of England at the time , and Cnut could well have acted against him once free to do so .
21 It would not be surprising if the loss of a job for a middle-aged manager who would have difficulty finding other similar employment within his field of expertise and at his age and occupational level was experienced as highly distressing .
22 The Grand National course narrows approaching the winning post and bends round to the left immediately after , and with crowds manically screaming at him in the stands and on both rails and directly in front of him it would hardly be surprising if Devon Loch had suddenly been startled by the deafening noise .
23 It would hardly be surprising if so many organisations , each with a finger in a large but nonetheless limited pie , sometimes disagreed on how the money should be spent .
24 The family , as the main sufferers under his regime , clearly had every reason to seek his overthrow , and it would hardly be surprising if they had been hopefully dabbling in witchcraft — although this was a standard late-medieval smear .
25 The family , as the main sufferers under his regime , clearly had every reason to seek his overthrow , and it would hardly be surprising if they had been hopefully dabbling in witchcraft — although this was a standard late-medieval smear .
26 One must add that there is nothing particularly remarkable about the fact that such a myth should have grown up ; it would almost be surprising if it had not .
27 It is therefore not going to be possible to behave as though you were at a genuine social occasion and it will not be surprising if you feel awkward and nervous .
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