Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb mod] [adv] [verb] [art] look " in BNC.

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1 Yeah that 's I 'll just have a look on that check the label .
2 I 'll just have a look round there again Barry .
3 Ah yeah , I 'll just have a look for you .
4 I 'll just have a look
5 I 'll just have a look at these shirts up here no , they 're nice Bev
6 I 'll just have a look through what you 've been doing
7 I 'll never forget the look of concentration on her face as she ran .
8 I want to tell them I 'm going to Drama School , but I ca n't stand the look on their faces , the thought of their whining voices saying it 's not a suitable occupation for their darling daughter . ’
9 If we 're talking about World War III , even you and I wo n't get a look in .
10 Er if you were a fairly decent criminal though you , you may well have a look through the windows to see if you can see any detectors on the wall , just to confirm it , because by now you 'd be thinking that a lot of these are dummies .
11 She could not understand the look on his face , and she was afraid .
12 Rachel was invited to join them and she was happy to do so , but for the rest of the day she could n't forget that moment when David had moved so close to her ; she could n't forget the look in his eyes , a look that had implied that the conclusions drawn by others about his intentions towards her could be well founded .
13 She could have asked Dorothy of course , Dorothy knew about these things , but she could n't face the look of exasperation she knew she 'd get , the telling-off .
14 Nikos smiled and said something softly in Greek , and for some reason Lindsey found herself blushing at the sudden contact of Niall 's hand against her arm , but she could n't interpret the look he gave her as they were ushered towards one of the few empty tables overlooking the harbour .
15 To the end of her life , said Mrs B , she would never forget the look on her daughter 's face .
16 You would n't get a look in .
17 ‘ Well , it is n't the sort of place you can just take a look at . ’
18 We 'll also take a look at a popular shareware alternative , McAfee VirusScan .
19 Erm we 'll just have a look at what we 've got .
20 Because we 've got , and you 've seen this before , we 'll just have a look , get this right if you can .
21 Right , if you just want to come out of there and we 'll just have a look at the plot of the residuals , if you plot the residuals the test for serial correlation there well the test for serial correlation , right , and try and determine whether there 's a auto regressive structure to those parameters and I think Steve was talking to you about er auto regressions , so what the computer is doing essentially , it is getting the residuals from the model raised and it 's regressing them right on the residuals in the previous period , right , and it 's testing whether this parameter row , right , is significantly different from zero right , now if this is , if row is significantly different from zero , let's say it 's nought point six , that implies the residuals in T are not independent of the residuals in T minus one .
22 So we 'll now have a look .
23 Perhaps we could just have a look at what sort of angles we 've got here .
24 erm I 'm not going to keep you very long because I 've nearly finished talking so erm when I 've finished perhaps you would like to bring some of your things up and put them on the table and we can all have a look at them .
25 So he said that they could perhaps take a look round to see were there any secluded windows anywhere or any openings where they might just squeeze through .
26 And if the Debut looks stylish too , it can only enhance the look of your kitchen .
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