Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb mod] [verb] [been] difficult [prep] " in BNC.

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1 That it may have been difficult for members to attend area sessions , should not rule out the possibility of encouraging collaboration among groups of local boards .
2 It must have been difficult for the teachers to organize things even before the arrival of the evacuees , who had problems of their own , of course , adjusting to a major change in lifestyle .
3 It must have been difficult for you , hiding Egan when Place was living with his sister . ’
4 It must have been difficult for you . ’
5 ‘ I guess it must have been difficult for — for Suzanna to understand .
6 It might have been difficult for the headmaster of our school to believe that we were late because of a derailment , but fortunately a teacher of theology at the school , Don Cavalli , travelled on the tram every day , and he was able to explain what had happened , giving us a cast-iron alibi .
7 Griffith could not prepare or test fibres thinner than about a ten thousandth of an inch ( 2.5 m ) and , if he had , it would have been difficult at that time to measure the thickness with any sort of accuracy .
8 Still , he enjoyed the chairmanship and gets very cross if anyone suggests that it would have been difficult for anyone to have thrown away a Tory victory in post-Falklands Britain with a Labour Party led by Michael Foot .
9 Without demonstrable concern for their welfare and the active promotion of an identity of interests it would have been difficult for a party of landed and industrial power to retain authority ( for an historical survey of this see McKenzie and Silver 1968 pp 42–73 ) .
10 There was so much rubbish and broken glass littered about anyway that it would have been difficult for anyone to climb out without making a lot of noise .
11 It would have been difficult for him on his own in a strange country on the other side of the world .
12 She did n't shake hands — it would have been difficult for her , anyway , sitting in the car — but as I pondered on the word ‘ princess ’ and bowed slightly , she said , ‘ So you are Doctor Masters ?
13 Of course it would have been difficult for intellectuals to admit that it was precisely their own condemnation and neglect of films which had removed the one buffer that the film industry could have used to protect itself from the onslaught of ‘ the Meddlers and Busybodies ’ .
14 Certainly it would have been difficult for the estate to know which ore came from where .
15 There was no single set pattern of subjects , but it would have been difficult for a school to neglect totally those regarded as basic and normal .
16 It would have been difficult for the women to explain their cases to DHSS officials and lawyers , with screaming children in tow .
17 And perhaps secondly erm there is not a body of information which has been submitted to er this examination public which advises you in detail on the various issues that we think need to be addressed leading to the erm proposal occasions and I would have thought it would have been difficult for the panel to come to a a conclusion but I may be wrong on that .
18 I was there , as I said , for two and a half years , so it would have been difficult for the teachers to respond to my presence in an artificial way because I was there for such a long time .
19 I was there , as I have said , for two and a half years , so it would have been difficult for the teachers to erm respond to my presence erm in an artificial way because I was there for such a long time .
20 While the law as to imputing to a principal the knowledge acquired by his agent in the course of the business about which the agent is employed is at points confused ( see Bowstead , Agency , 13th edn , Article 112 and pp 356–7 ) , it would have been difficult in the circumstances of the case to withhold the concession .
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