Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] been talk about the " in BNC.

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1 What the hell do you think I 've been talkin' about the last few minutes ?
2 I have been talking about the different levels at which reason operates in relation to individual disciplines : we can take up stances within disciplines , across disciplines , and in being critical of disciplines as a whole .
3 Opposite adjacent this is what you 've been talking about the a the angle is n't it .
4 We 've been talking about the events in Beirut . ’
5 What do you think about this statue and all these trees we 've been talking about the ones around by Marks and Spencers yes ?
6 Now let me push on a bit and erm I wo n't ask you to write this down , but when we , we 've been talking about the state now what are the characteristics of the state ?
7 The governor 's thing is coming about quite useful tonight because we 've been talking about the law as regards governors and parents ' rights and what you 're supposed to ask parents
8 Well we 've been talking about the benefits which the local firms obviously gain from the work that 's going on here , but the question could be asked , what benefit do the academics in the University and also the students gain from the , the programme ?
9 We 've been talking about the amount of coverage on television and we do have one or two more callers on the same subject , but if you want to broaden the discussion out to other aspects of what 's going on in the Gulf , do feel free .
10 So far we have been talking about the flow of information from the company , but It can be equally important for management to receive information on how the world is thinking about the company and its activities , about rival companies and about the industry in which it operates .
11 So far we have been talking about the reciprocity of all discourse in the broadest of terms , connecting it to the mechanisms of dialogue only generally by saying that monologues are often constructed with the receiver in mind .
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