Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] [adv] be involved [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd never been involved in before as an Area Housing Officer , and just involved with day to day management , but with it being a clearance area it 's a totally different approach , and the sort of things that you deal with are totally different as well .
2 I had n't been involved in the organization and knew very little about what was going to happen .
3 Until the 1982 health service dispute , she 'd never been involved in a trade union , nor had she ever gone to any meetings about anything .
4 To tell Luke the truth , somehow force him to accept that she had never been involved with Florian in the way he imagined , might just possibly put an end to his — his persecution of her .
5 She had never been involved in his business and as it grew , saw considerably less of her husband .
6 Derek was confident that she had never been involved in anything subversive in her life or , for that matter , anything which was not completely dignified and fully reputable .
7 What Tolkien took from that passage ( and others ) was , in short , the ideas that elves were like angels ; that they had however been involved in a ‘ Fall ’ ; that their fate at Doomsday is not clear ( for men ‘ shall join in the Second Music of the Ainur ’ , elves perhaps not , S , p. 42 ) , that they are associated with the Earthly Paradise , and can not die till the end of the world .
8 Besides , TANU members had been involved in the press , while they had not been involved in radio .
9 Many , for example , talked about the gangs they had once been involved in but these gangs , if they remained at all , were not , as one Town Boy said , ‘ a shadow of what they used to be ’ .
10 He had briefly been involved with the Logical Positivists of the Vienna Circle and developed a strong leaning toward the importance of systematic empirical observation as the cornerstone of the scientific method , and a corresponding dislike of abstracted theorising and metaphysical speculation .
11 Of Korean communists associated with Russia , the best known was Kim Il Sung but he had also been involved with the CCP .
12 What the authorities failed to realise was that in the few years since the war had ended , aircraft design had moved forward a long way , and there had been a rapid development of jet aircraft of which Tank had little or no real experience — he had not been involved in this critical new phase .
13 Bécherel had been under the command of one of his retainers , and another had been Constable of Saint-Sauveur , though in all probability he had not been involved in its surrender .
14 The Asian youth told officers he had not been involved in the alleged attack , but that he himself and his friends had been set upon by a gang .
15 Graham Berry , the SAC 's director of finance , said he had not been involved in the decision .
16 At his trial it was revealed he had previously been involved in an incident whilst working as a door supervisor when another person died .
17 He had already been involved in taking prisoners to the mountains and told me that he would now have to think of a way to get Eric there too .
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