Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] [prep] a short [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I stopped after a short while and said ‘ this is nonsense — I ca n't learn any more of this sort of thing by two o'clock — I must just do a prose right through and see how I get on ’ .
2 Here is what she wrote : Beware the feline of the sea ; lest might happen to you what happened to me ; When once I booked for a short break stay , I found it impossible to get away — Seacat did not turn up to-day .
3 My mother volunteered to look after the luggage while my father and I went for a short walk .
4 At one school I attended for a short while , very much for ‘ young ladies ’ , the headmistress descended unexpectedly on a class , with a visitor , and found it in uproar .
5 I slept for a short time but was woken when the coach stopped .
6 I stood in a short sling and laybacked over the bulge on a jammed stone into a smooth scoop .
7 No , she decided after a short reflection .
8 She had for a while become a Monotype operator , on one of the " women 's machines " , and also remembers " trying to do imposition " and doing a little display work in one mainly jobbing firm where she worked for a short time .
9 She pulled on a short silk nightdress — a rather extravagant Christmas present from one of her sisters — brushed her hair until the long dark strands gleamed , then walked slowly over to the window .
10 She was suffering from sunstroke and she died within a short time .
11 ‘ Do n't apologise , ’ she said with a short laugh .
12 ‘ But you make me so angry , ’ she said on a short laugh , ‘ when anyone with half a brain can see what is going on ! ’
13 ‘ I get homesick all the time , ’ she said after a short visit home to see her brother Lawrence , a joiner in Derry .
14 We continued for a short distance before pitching our tents in the boulder strewn tundra now below the elegant , ice-fluted summit of Chonku Chuli .
15 She was by that time too valuable a property to be junked , so they settled for a short suspension and a revised entry in the book .
16 They halted for a short time near midafternoon to rest the horses .
17 They travelled by a short stairway from the morning room , up into a narrow corridor carved with horses ' heads .
18 In 1902 he lived for a short period in Clerkenwell , east London .
19 Later still he became for a short time a professor at Cambridge .
20 It consisted of a short platform , a tin shack , and a set of buffers up against the hedge which bordered the main road .
21 It was unfortunate that he returned for a short time but this was necessary in order for him to complete training prior to deploying on an operational tour . ’
22 He began with a short discussion of the planned scheme , the construction of the line and its early financial difficulties .
23 Educated at Eton and then sent to Europe to improve himself , he worked for a short time in various jobs in ‘ the city ’ before becoming an ADC to the Governor of Australia .
24 Giles was held in high esteem in America and Europe , especially in Berlin , where he worked for a short time .
25 You could n't say he lost by a short head — he was n't even in the frame !
26 It started as a short project for an article but the whole subject took off and turned into a major research field . ’
27 After that result he disappeared for a short while , but he returned in time to be included in Wilson 's government , initially as Secretary of State for Economic Affairs , a post he held between 1964 and 1966 .
28 ‘ OK — OK , you 've made your point , ’ he said with a short bark of rueful laughter .
29 ‘ But do ye really think , ’ he said after a short pause , ‘ it 's wise to allow a young person to make a decision of that sort ?
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