Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] assume [that] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She immediately assumed that the malignancy of the stomach had not been cured and that he was dying .
2 We further assume that the demand for labour is a function of the real wage so that we can write where n t is the logarithm of the demand for labour or the level of employment at time t t w t is the logarithm of the nominal wage rate at time t t p t is the logarithm of the price level at time t t and α is a positive constant .
3 For practical applications , we also assume that the graph is connected , and that V is nonempty .
4 Can we honestly assume that the way they are in school will be the way they relate to an employer , or to younger children in an adventure playground ?
5 When we set out to do something new we often assume that the baseline will continue as it always has done .
6 Are we then to assume that the Zande and other people with similar beliefs in occult power are virtually schizophrenics , with their minds split between two irreconcilable ways of comprehending the world ?
7 For this reason , when games theorists talk about the Iterated or Repeated Prisoner 's Dilemma game , they always assume that the end of the game is unpredictable , or known only to the banker .
8 But some philosophers get themselves tied in knots because they implicitly assume that the cat can have only one history .
9 It also assumes that the taxpayer 's forbearance from taking action in the overseas country was productive of profit to the taxpayer in that country — an assumption which their Lordships are not prepared to make .
10 Not only does the hearer assume it is the same ‘ man ’ who is being talked about throughout , he also assumes that the man will stay in the same place unless the speaker announces that he moves .
11 It is an area where a woman may gain control over a man , for while he gaily assumes that the present is spontaneous , and the future an open book , she is quietly mapping out the course of future events and by the time he wakes up to this fact it is too late to do much about it .
12 It simply assumes that the past is of consuming interest , and through its richness and rareness of reference , and the elegance with which it is written , makes it so .
13 Let us further assume that the charge distribution is uniform and denote the charge per unit length by pl ( we are defining thereby a linear charge density of dimension coulomb per metre ) .
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