Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] come down [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She had forgotten why she had come down to the garden in the first place .
2 We 've come down to the wine
3 You know , I think we 've that nobody keeps us We 've had a name over the years that we 're an expensive carrier , and it 's just sort of keep going and educating them that we 've come down in the market or ,
4 We 've come down in the middle of nowhere , and you calmly suggest we walk out !
5 Now there was some dispute over whether Berlin or Bonn should be the capital , they 've come down on the side of Berlin , but is that dispute settled now ?
6 that are grumbling cos they 've come down , but really they 've come down to the same level as
7 But she soon realised that they had come down to the manor only as a duty ( perish the word ! ) and courtesy to her , and regarded the house as a white elephant , being too far away and too cold for weekend breaks .
8 Unmistakably , though , he has come down on the side of the demonstrators and against Erich Honecker , the East German leader .
9 And it had come down to the Valve to see what the Famlio ship was doing there .
10 In the twilight of the Great Drought he had come down to the river and filled his wheelbarrow with water until only a Samson could have moved it .
11 He had come down to the gallery to join the houseparty , he thought simply to look at a new sculpture , before they all returned to the house for luncheon .
12 He had come down to the Club that night with a real purpose , a purpose only half of which had been carried out at the meeting .
13 He had come down to the island to make sure all was well while his grandfather was in hospital .
14 Than the shops gave place to boarding houses and the hill began ; it was a twin of the one he had come down from the car park .
15 Because then Jesus said to him , who was he talking to , let's , let's start off on the verse one after er after he had come down from the mountains , great crowds followed him that 's Jesus is n't it ?
16 It 's come down through the years , this story .
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