Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [vb pp] herself [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Because she has worked herself up into a pitiful state of fear and tension , this does not mean that her suffering is not real .
2 Willingly or unwillingly , she had bound herself down to a copy book with a fidelity that approaches , and this particularly in her most abstract canvases , the photographic …
3 Robyn thought , remembering the way she had flung herself out of the house , the agony of driving home , the touch and taste of him haunting her down every mile of motorway … the floods of tears …
4 I crawl , I kiss your arse , do everything — ’ She had worked herself up into a state of almost incoherent fury , like a child in a tantrum , tears streaming down her face and her whole body shaking in a sort of passion as she suddenly flew at him , clawing with her nails .
5 In order to pay back , to compensate Ethel Mitchell , she had put herself up to her neck in debt .
6 In these matters Emilia Frere knew more than she , for the woman had crossed the threshold of the married state ; she had delivered herself over to the meeting of the flesh as Louisa had not been called upon to do ; she had experienced what the uninitiate could only surmise .
7 She had hauled herself out of bed about twenty minutes ago when she 'd heard the doorbell .
8 The Lord had n't dealt bitterly with her , she had gone out of God 's will , she had taken herself out of the covering of God 's protection and blessing .
9 She had forced herself out of bed especially early , without waking Oz , just so that she could have a spare half-hour or so to take a walk up Back Clough Dale .
10 She had curled herself up in a corner of the motorspeeder to get some rest , but there was too much adrenalin swimming aimlessly about her system and her eyes kept opening themselves .
11 She has put she 's put herself down for one day at the end of her accounts to learn about accountancy and as Ian pointed out , it 's it 's it 's not a lot .
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