Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [adv] [been] aware that " in BNC.

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1 As an adult she was able to see how wrong it was and she knew that they were indulging in something they should not have been doing — although in her childish innocence she had not been aware that it was anything more than an extension of the love and affection she felt for other members of her family .
2 She had not told her son to keep away from the course because she had not been aware that he had gone that way .
3 This had been good fortune , as they had not been aware that it was a ‘ protected ’ aircraft , but Carrington arranged in any case for the record of their flight to be blotted from the squadron 's sortie book .
4 He recalls how , seeing England from his own urban American background he has always been aware that the natural habitat of the Englishman was the little rural community and that industrial and large towns were accepted with reluctance .
5 " Dinner 's getting cold , " she murmured , smiling at his startled reaction ; he had n't been aware that he 'd been staring .
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