Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] clear [that] [pron] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 If the procedures are acceptable — we are clear that they must be — the opening articles are also acceptable .
2 We are not given access to her private emotional struggles , but we are clear that she can not reject social values .
3 . We are clear that it should not be used as a punishment or as a deterrent , and we think that there should always be an alternative task available for men for whom stone-breaking is unsuitable . ’
4 So it 's clear that you will .
5 So the conclusions is : ‘ It is important therefore not to mobilise European resources until it is clear that they would be needed and not simply hinder the operation . ’
6 A thought-provoking , if somewhat radical , plan from the American camp , and it is clear that they would have a strong-looking team .
7 First , it is clear that they would need to be mutually oriented ; they would each need to be aware of what the other was doing at any time .
8 The important point , however , is that the two " likes " must be treated as like in some respect ; and in the linguistic cases this does not merely mean that the two items co-ordinated must be on the same level in terms of specific syntactic classifications , as has often been remarked ; more importantly , it is clear that they must be alike in both bearing one of the other relations , already introduced , to some third element ; thus , in : ( 38 ) Nora is Irish and beautiful the structure is such that Irish and beautiful are both related to Nora by assignment , while in : ( 39 ) bed and board is going to take half his wages the relation of instantiation links both bed and board to the single entity in the subject position .
9 They should only be established when it is clear that they can function effectively in a given situation .
10 While it is clear that they will not be identical ( see McGregor et al . ,
11 It is clear that one can not give a general rule .
12 Most recent historical work on the rural economy has involved studies in depth of particular regions or even individual manors , and despite the patchiness of the surviving evidence it is clear that one can not draw hard and fast lines of distinction between regions of arable farming and those of stock-rearing .
13 By going even so short a distance , however , men could free themselves from the control of their lord and the custom of the manor , and it is clear that one can see a similar situation elsewhere in the country ; families were prepared to leave the land to free themselves from their lords ( 79 , p.35 ) .
14 It is clear that one can not own confidential information in the sense that one can own a car .
15 Reverting now to spatio-temporal relations , the assumption of their irreducibility to monadic predicates is linked with the assumption that they depict an objective order , and if such relations are taken to depict an objective order , then it is clear that we shall have to assume the possibility of a plurality of biographically distinct points of view , occupied by different percipients , before we can make any significant inferences about the ontological distinguishability of their terms .
16 In the simple type of quantification that we used , it is clear that we would need to quantify the long-vowel environments separately from the short-vowel ones , as the potential for variation is different in each case .
17 It is clear that we can hold partially or severely differing opinions about the same individual in different roles .
18 Since periodic orbits can contain any finite number of symbols which repeat , it is clear that we can find a periodic orbit which passes arbitrarily close to any other trajectory in the strange invariant set .
19 The current economic conditions are particularly challenging and it is clear that we must increasingly earn our living by ingenuity and innovation .
20 It is clear that we should not be led astray by glamorous starlets .
21 With hindsight , it is clear that we should have taken very much more serious and careful account of the character of our intake in those years .
22 It is clear that nothing can be reliably inferred from the mere fact that a word form has different meaning relations in different contexts , and independent evidence concerning ambiguity or generality is required .
23 Even at this early stage of contact between white and black in Britain , it is clear that she would have been building on already existing racial caricature and prejudice rather than creating an artificial tide of hostility against black people .
24 It is clear that she will never marry and have children , follow a career enjoy the leisure interests of her own age group or otherwise enjoy the quality of life which so many take for granted .
25 Your appointment may be terminated at any time during the probationary period in the case of misconduct or if your service is unsatisfactory and it is clear that you will not be able to reach the required standard before the end of the probationary period .
26 Your appointment may be terminated at any time during the probationary period in the case of misconduct or if your service is unsatisfactory and it is clear that you will not be able to reach the required standard before the end of the probationary period .
27 If , on the basis of this , I were to proceed to make very careful observations of the weights of a wide variety of human earlobes , recording and categorizing the many observations , I think it is clear that I would not be making any significant contribution to science .
28 He prepares to do so , and only when it is clear that he will obey the divine command does God at the last moment spare his son and tell him to kill a sheep instead .
29 It is clear that he can not object solely on the ground of the freedom of the individual or because that particular doctor usually examines for insurance companies .
30 Try as he might it is clear that he can not make the economic figures add up , creative accounting or not , in a way which will make the parliamentary Tory Party arithmetic secure .
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