Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] at [det] moment [that] " in BNC.

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1 It is at that moment that Jesus comes , not as a ghost but as himself , to save them and take away their fear .
2 It is at this moment that the question arises — is the victim who sustains the harm someone the defendant is under a duty not to harm ?
3 I felt wonderful , and it was at that moment that I realised that if I started taking my athletics seriously , if I started training properly , if I started listening to Ron , then maybe I could do something in the sport .
4 It was at that moment that she had resolved to tell Nick Morley everything that had happened to her .
5 It was at that moment that he ventured to propose to her .
6 That wo n't give anything away , ’ cajoled Deana , and it was at that moment that an open-topped , low-slung dark red sports car purred to an impatient halt directly in front of the foyer 's big glass doors and the unmistakable silhouette of Tom Russell sprang with athletic grace from behind the wheel and began to stride across the cement footpath towards the entrance .
7 It was at that moment that Rincewind 's one remaining ring , already overburdened , slid out of the rock with a nasty little metal sound .
8 It was at that moment that Mr quigley passed the entrance to the pub garden .
9 It was at that moment that the couple whom Guido had pointed out earlier finished paying their bill and headed out to the car park .
10 It was at that moment that Fabia was shaken to realise that all she was looking for was an excuse to be in touch with him again .
11 As luck would have it , when she was certain that , shiny-faced and wet-headed , she must look about her worst , it was at that moment that the outer door opened and Ven came in .
12 It was at this moment that the Danzig dockers union , inspired as much by anti-Polish sentiment as by fellow feeling for Soviet brother-workers , decided that they would no longer handle supplies and munitions destined for Poland .
13 It was at this moment that Signor Fixit appeared in the doorway with the plastic strips draped over his shoulders like variously coloured spaghetti .
14 It was at this moment that there arrived at AFHQ a " personal " and " urgent " signal for Alexander from Gen McCreery , the Commander of Eighth Army , whose 13 Corps and 5 Corps were directly involved in the front line in North-East Italy and Austria .
15 It was at this moment that I decided I must learn to dance , so that I could stay on at the pensione instead of roaming about .
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