Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] unlikely to [be] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I am male which means I can not have children , I am somewhat reserved by nature so I am unlikely to be the life and soul of anyone 's party , and my chances of becoming King are very slim .
2 It indicates that you are unlikely to be a person who thinks she knows all the answers and would tend to overwhelm her with advice and urge her to ‘ dry your eyes and try not to think about it too much ’ ; and best of all , you care .
3 As DON CAMERON reports , they are unlikely to be the last New Zealanders to make the move .
4 They are unlikely to be the origin of the abnormalities shown by the labelling techniques .
5 Patients with anaemia with these lesions require full investigation as they are unlikely to be the cause of the anaemia even if frank rectal bleeding is present .
6 It 's unlikely to be a public crash test …
7 If Saddam is overthrown — when Saddam is overthrown — everyone close to him will go too , and it 's unlikely to be a gentle business .
8 Something er i it 's unlikely to be a negative response so if you
9 Whatever swells as a result , it 's unlikely to be the Mellor bosom .
10 A characteristic feature of the placebo effect is that it does not last all that long : it is usually only a matter of weeks , and two to six months is about the most that can be expected : If a patient responds to a new treatment and is still well after a year , it is unlikely to be a placebo effect .
11 Only join clubs , societies , or associations if the work or activity that they pursue is really of interest to you , though , or it is unlikely to be a success .
12 Answer guide : In the case of the TV licence it is unlikely to be a business expense .
13 If the long-term use of information resources by individuals beyond the corporation is included as a benefit at all , it is unlikely to be a major priority for funding and may even be viewed with caution .
14 But it is unlikely to be an accurate assessment , because shot and mortally wounded whales , unlike harpooned ones , can escape and die without being retrieved and , of course , are not counted against the quota — in fact as many as 1000 narwhals may die each year at the hands of Canadian hunters .
15 Fortunately , this corresponds to 110mph in top gear so it is unlikely to be an irritation on a British motorway .
16 Accepting the authority or leadership of a person or an institution is , for example , a way of defining one 's own identity as a member of a nation or some other group , though needless to say it is unlikely to be the only way any person will express his identification with such a group .
17 Suffice it to say that such is the complexity of this area of the law that one case on the subject , discussed in Chapter 13 , has already reached the House of Lords ; it is unlikely to be the last .
18 This has yet to be approved but , even so , it is unlikely to be the end of the argument .
19 It is unlikely to be the transfer of a business as a going concern if the purchaser merely completes work for the vendor after completion under a specific contract with the vendor ( Melon v Hector Powe Ltd [ 1981 ] 1 All ER 313 ) .
20 Because such a dealer 's knowledge has to be broad-based , he is unlikely to be a true Koi expert .
21 For , even if they knew in general that it was unlikely to be the case , they could not afford to take chances .
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