Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] [adv] assume that [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We are not assuming that refining margins will improve significantly in the near future .
2 It is generally assumed that international forces have a great influence on the UK so that it is the international economy which determines the character of the crossroads now facing the UK .
3 It is generally assumed that endogenous LH release occurs IS -20 h after the midpoint of the second dark period following PMSG administration .
4 It is frequently assumed that large corporations act in roughly the same manner , whether they are part of the public or the private sector , and that their industrial relations follow the same pattern , too .
5 It is widely assumed that different ICUs can be compared by the ratio of actual mortality to that predicted by the APACHE score .
6 For example , hearing impairments provide a common aetiology for linguistic difficulties among deaf children and for this reason it is usually assumed that deaf children will respond to therapy in similar ways .
7 It is often assumed that personal contacts will push through more of your material than that of other PROs and that you will be able to ask for favourable comment here and there .
8 It is often assumed that textual discussion must be complex to be acceptable .
9 Because of this it is often assumed that cleaning staff are familiar with the basics especially when women are employed .
10 It is commonly assumed that British black children speak a variety of English indistinguishable from the local white norm .
11 It was always assumed that Urban Programme funding would represent only a proportion of total expenditure in the Partnerships — most would come through a diversion of mainstream budgets to the benefit of the older urban cores .
12 It was further assumed that passive negative sentences were constructed by the application of two transformational rules ( passive and negative ) .
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