Example sentences of "[noun pl] need [adv] be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Unoccupied offices and meeting rooms left unused for long periods need not be heated to the normal level .
2 Such common elements need not be excluded by the veil of ignorance since their presence does not jeopardize the social role of the doctrine of justice .
3 More problematically , open market areas need not be expected at all sites , because temporary stalls or even trestle tables could have been erected in side-streets , as in some modern towns today .
4 Valuable mathematical experiences need not be confined to the well-ordered water trough , and the sensitive adult can find many ways of introducing new vocabulary and mathematical ideas during the children 's play .
5 These punctilios , which help to moderate tempers and maintain the dignity of the courts , are admirable if not carried too far ; but legal writings need not be encumbered in this way .
6 A lease for a term of less than seven years need not be produced to the Commissioners of Inland Revenue ( Finance Act 1931 , s28 ) .
7 However , machine knitters need not be deterred from contributing to this worthwhile cause as , after they have been exhibited and judged , all garments entered will be sold to raise funds for the Association .
8 Placing individuals in the categories " male " or " female " , " working class " or " middle class " are cases in point , though nominal scales need not be restricted to dichotomies .
9 This means that the exact nature of queries need not be predicted during database design .
10 Meetings need not be addressed by any one person although a specific topic can be aired for discussion if the group wishes .
11 Such exclusions need not be contained in the original contract document , but you must agree to them in writing before the term expires for them to be legally effective .
12 Such exclusions need not be contained in the original contract document , but you must agree to them in writing before the term expires for them to be legally effective .
13 Scots , in particular , should rejoice over the disbandment of a regiment , praying that at last their sons ' names need not be added to the memorials which stand in every town , village and glen across the country as mute testament to the suffering and sorrow of the past .
14 To help you get organised a group option may be held for up to one month before deposits are required , and names need not be supplied until 12 weeks before departure .
15 It assumes that bills of quantities are unnecessary , that fluctuations in prices need not be allowed for , and that the nomination of subcontractors is not required .
16 It may often form part of a series , although history teachers need not be tied to utilising the whole series .
17 They will know that their maturing children need not be committed to anything that they will not be free to abandon in later life if they so wish .
18 Accordingly producers or consumers of raw material who wished to hedge against price movements in those raw materials through the futures markets need not be restricted by Rule 5 – 44 .
19 But Customs have agreed that the requirement to obtain overseas customers ' VAT numbers need not be implemented until 1 July 1993 .
20 The echoes of that conflict reverberate around us still , though as we shall see in later chapters , the issues need not be posed in quite the fashion of the Age of Reason .
21 The publication of results need not be taken as a threat to a good education system .
22 What is more , schemata need not be limited to unordered catalogues of people and things within a stereotyped situation , or stereotyped sequences of events telling us what is likely to happen next .
23 These records need not be held in this ‘ logical ’ sequence ( see Figure 5.9(c) ) , as long as the files are held on direct access storage devices .
24 Again it should be emphasized that the incentives need not be based upon financial performance but might be linked to other proxies of effort ; productivity measures and the like .
25 We have already mentioned that strikes need not be damaging to individual firms ; and while it is true that the economy as a whole can be damaged by certain groups of workers ( eg. power workers , miners and transport workers ) , relatively few groups actually have this kind of muscle .
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