Example sentences of "[noun pl] seem to be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This perhaps links with the lack of awareness of Britain as a multilingual society referred to above — on the whole teaching methods seem to be conceived of a primarily technical , with little regard for the links between techniques and methods used and more general educational and social questions .
2 It does not follow that the relationships with each of these figures is the same as different satisfactions seem to be derived from each .
3 This is the kind of situation where readers seem to be relegated to the role of invisible eavesdroppers , overhearing a conversation between others .
4 Management of patients whose visits seem to be precipitated by depression , job loss , marriage break up , or other personal catastrophe may be much more complex .
5 Few auditions seem to be chosen from the works of Samuel Beckett — Waiting for Godot and Endgame are the only two which seem to offer possibilities .
6 platelet activating factor precursors seem to be related to the calcium increase in gastric cells .
7 The visitors seem to be made of sterner stuff .
8 The zones seem to be associated with different moods and eras , post-industrial apocalyptic for the car-park , medieval for the kitchens , belle epoque for the dining-room , and high-tech for the lavatories .
9 The effects seem to be mediated by the histamine 2 receptor as shown by cAMP accumulation in response to histamine , in the first two cell lines .
10 Our instinctive reactions seem to be rooted in the past and they are not always appropriate to twentieth-century living .
11 I am talking here about organized religion , and structured religious forms seem to be based on predominantly ‘ light ’ or ‘ dark ’ principles .
12 Almost half of the reported cases seem to be associated with menstruation , but other associations include surgical incisions , burns , nasal packing , abscesses , a postinfluenza syndrome , and parturition .
13 I do n't really understand why so many galleries seem to be closed to women , but it does n't make any difference to me whether an artist is male or female .
14 Indeed many of the disagreements of the following years seem to be associated with cities which had once been held by Charibert , and this was to hold true even after the murder of Sigibert , since lands which he had acquired in 567 became bones of contention between his son , Childebert II , and Guntram .
15 At least , David Mellor in the Press box was pleased , and so too must have been John Major whose only smiles these days seem to be inspired by the performances of Chelsea .
16 Its contents seem to be lost to history , but one wonderfully inappropriate phrase survives : ‘ His Holiness the Imam and his Christian peace . ’
17 It is a most precocious breed , commonly calving at two years old or earlier , and many individuals seem to be predisposed to fostering alien calves so that they are good multiple sucklers if the milk is not too rich .
18 And some of its basic assumptions seem to be confirmed by casual observations of the problems which legislatures have in performing one of their traditional functions .
19 Pessimistic early predictions seem to be confirmed by more recent data .
20 All actions seem to be controlled by a sense of propriety or tradition .
21 Natural Gas Vehicles were also covered in some detail but as our public relations efforts seem to be hampered by these vehicles ' technical problems it 's difficult to be more positive than we have been .
22 Jerrome 's ( 1981 ) work on older women 's friendships indicates that women 's relationships with their sisters seem to be intensified in later life , even for people whose relationships had been poor when they were younger .
23 The storms seem to be formed in the strangely disturbed band of atmosphere that lies athwart the equator between the two trade wind regions , and is known as the intertropical convergence zone .
24 Elite theorists argue that most social relations are suffused with the exercise of power , even though many social conflicts and exchanges seem to be constructed on a different basis .
25 On the other hand , materialists seem to be prevented by their materialism from allowing that there is any relevant fact that BS does not know .
26 Journalists and critics seem to be fixated on the war years .
27 The views of both theorists seem to be based on the distinction between a law-governed nomocratic social order and a purpose-governed teleocractic order .
28 In this way of looking at the economy , wages seem to be determined by forces as inevitable as mathematics , and if wages were low this was no doubt unfortunate , but there was nothing anybody could do about it , any more than it would be possible to change the laws of gravity .
29 Instead many anglers seem to be dedicated to throwing their hard earned money away on super expensive ingredients .
30 Differences in site factors suggest that warmer soil temperatures seem to be associated with the more rapid death of roots at the southern site .
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