Example sentences of "[noun pl] all over the [noun sg] will " in BNC.

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1 At 3pm today , supporters all over the country will stage a sit-down protest against sitting down .
2 Miners all over the country will know that the Labour party voted against those terms .
3 Hundreds of thousands of personal pledges received from countries all over the world will be attached to the Tree of Life as a powerful visual expression of the concern of individuals for the state of the Earth and their commitment to protect it .
4 ‘ Television viewers all over the world will now see the quality of the entertainment we provide and also northerners doing what they like best enjoying themselves .
5 Joining teddy bears of all shapes , colours and sizes which are flooding in from TV stars and personalities all over the country will be Prime Minister John Major 's very own bear and those of his parliamentary colleagues .
6 Members all over the country will be carrying out thousands of countryside projects , from clearing out old ponds and footpaths to planting new woodland areas or clearing up urban parks .
7 With the coarse fishing season opening at a minute past midnight tonight June 16 anglers all over the region will be itching to get to their favourite waters .
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