Example sentences of "[noun pl] should not be allowed [verb] " in BNC.

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1 However forward-thinking the penologists , criminologists and bureaucrats in government departments may be , their views should not be allowed to prevail so as to impose a sentencing regime which is incomprehensible or unacceptable to right-thinking people generally .
2 Local education authorities should not be allowed to evade their responsibility to implement a full policy for the promotion of community languages .
3 The debate about integration of handicapped and disabled children in ordinary schools should not be allowed to overshadow the movement for curriculum reform in the schools themselves .
4 A proposed directive suggests that manufacturers should not be allowed to refer to helpful recommendations by health bodies ( ‘ The Intestines Inspectorate says fibre is good for you .
5 At one stage in the game they were down to 11 men , but their shortcomings should not be allowed to detract from Warrington 's impressively positive performance , the home side contributing much that was memorable in a thrilling and thunderously received encounter .
6 It also said that solicitors employed by large companies should not be allowed to appear in higher courts because the fact that they were employed might stop them from showing impartiality and detachment .
7 The Institution of Civil Engineers said in evidence to the Lords : ‘ The fact that there has been no major disaster in the United Kingdom for more than 50 years should not be allowed to obscure the ever-increasing danger in the future .
8 That some formality may continue to be required for certain controversial treatments should not be allowed to complicate the much more commonplace decisions that have to be made many times every day in acute hospitals .
9 It rejects the proposal that accountants should not be allowed to report suspicions to senior management before reporting to the appropriate external authorities , and stresses that those that do report externally must be protected from any possible claims of breach of confidentiality .
10 Of all organisations , it has an interest in ensuring that those who apply for asylum as a means of avoiding immigration regulations should not be allowed to enter the country .
11 The patient with perceptual problems who can not judge distances should not be allowed to go out alone into situations where he will have to cross roads .
12 These comments should not be allowed to cloud the picture too much .
13 In my view , what should happen here is that cats should not be allowed to roam around in places where they could have a dramatic adverse effect on populations of animals , even though it is better for the cat .
14 At a banquet hosted by Yang Shangkun on Nov. 1 Nixon described the June crackdown as " excessive and unjustified " , saying that it had damaged US respect and confidence in the Chinese leadership and , speaking to Li Peng , he argued that the two countries ' differences over the events in June were " huge and unbridgeable " , but that Sino-US relations should not be allowed to founder over the issue .
15 Ultimately , however , market forces should not be allowed to dictate the extent of regulation .
16 A strong , vocal group argued that Raybestos should not be allowed to emit any asbestos dust from the factory , and called for the use of a safe alternative in the factory process .
17 Some animals such as primates which are closely related with humans are apt to catch human types of diseases , for instance colds or the flu , and for this reason humans should not be allowed to get too close .
18 Deficiencies should not be allowed to occur , and they will not if you ensure steady organic input to the soil by mulching .
19 True , the occurrence of the phrase about ‘ harbours and agora ’ is striking , but what Plato says is that the murderers should not be allowed to pollute the temples or the agora or harbours , etc .
20 That evidence will surely mount if Mr Hurd fails to cause to be reviewed the convictions in the cases arising out of the Birmingham and Guildford bombings , bombings whose victims should not be allowed to include anyone wrongfully imprisoned for them .
21 That in the interests of consumer awareness , advertisers should not be allowed to imply that beers are brewed at locations other than true point of origin .
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