Example sentences of "[noun pl] in the [noun sg] of representatives " in BNC.

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1 M-19 , participating in the elections following the conclusion of a peace treaty with the government [ see above ] , was thought to have won at least two seats in the House of Representatives and took control of the councils of the small towns of Yumbo , Almaguey and San Alberto .
2 ( The Australian Conservation Foundation and the Wilderness Society , the country 's two main environmentalist groups , called on their supporters to vote for the Democrats — the centre party which held the balance of power in the Senate but which possessed no seats in the House of Representatives — but to direct their second preferences to the ALP . )
3 The party in control of the governorship would , therefore , exercise considerable influence on the redrawing of the state 's congressional district boundaries for the next decade , a process which could affect the outcome for five seats in the House of Representatives .
4 In simultaneous legislative elections the Democrats retained control over Congress , winning 262 seats in the House of Representatives and controlling 55 seats in the Senate .
5 The Assembly 's other 500 members are government appointees , delegates of the regional assemblies and representatives of parties and groups ( appointed in proportion to their elective seats in the House of Representatives ) .
6 In addition to stipulating that the office of Prime Minister had to be held by a Melanesian , the Constitution now also guaranteed 37 of the 70 seats in the House of Representatives ( the lower chamber of the bicameral legislature ) to the indigenous population , 27 seats to the Indian community , five seats for other races and one for the inhabitants of Rotuma island [ see p. 35252 for previous weighted basis ] .
7 The Governor General appointed an Advisory Council to act as an interim government until a general election was held in December 1984 , in which the New National Party ( NNP — an amalgam of three centrist parties ) , under the leadership of Herbert Blaize , won 14 of the 15 seats in the House of Representatives .
8 In the mid-term elections on Nov. 6 , the Democrats improved their majorities in both houses of Congress , making a net gain of one seat in the Senate and of eight seats in the House of Representatives .
9 The PPP held 31 seats and the NCP five seats in the House of Representatives .
10 After the mid-term elections of Nov. 6 , 1990 , the Democrats held 267 seats in the House of Representatives and 56 seats in the Senate [ see pp. 37846-47 ] .
11 The ALP won 15 of the 17 seats in the House of Representatives in the general election of 1989 [ see p. 36847 ] .
12 The Governor-General appointed an Advisory Council to act as an interim government until a general election was held in December 1984 , when the New National Party ( NNP — an amalgam of three centrist parties ) led by Herbert Blaize , won 14 of the 15 seats in the House of Representatives .
13 In the March 1990 general election the NDC won seven of the 15 seats in the House of Representatives and formed a government with the support of the two members elected for the TNP [ see p. 37314 ] .
14 The PNP in a general election on Feb. 9 , 1989 , won 45 of the 60 seats in the House of Representatives , defeating the JLP , which had held office since 1980 [ see p. 36461 ; for March 1990 municipal elections see p. 37816 ] .
15 The United National Congress ( UNC , Basdeo Panday l. ; formed in April 1989 by five senior members of the NAR , the party has six seats in the House of Representatives — see p. 37820 ) ; the People 's National Movement ( PNM , Patrick Manning , l. ) ; the Movement for Social Transformation ( Motion , launched in September 1989 , David Abdulah , l . )
16 A by-election on 17 December 1990 , made necessary by the death of an NAR MP during the July attempted coup , was won by the PNM , who now have four seats in the House of Representatives .
17 Gubernatorial and legislative elections were held on Nov. 8 , 1988 [ see p. 37079 ] , when the PPD won 18 seats in the Senate and 36 seats in the House of Representatives .
18 Over 75 organizations were represented at the meeting in Durban , including the Congress of South African Trade Unions ( COSATU ) and the Labour Party , which held the majority of seats in the House of Representatives ( the chamber for Coloured people in the tricameral parliament — see p. 36880 for 1989 election ) .
19 The NP gained 51.8 per cent of the vote and 34 seats in the House of Representatives , while the Malta Labour Party ( MLP ) gained 46.5 per cent and 31 seats .
20 In the legislative elections which took place on the same day , Jawara 's People 's Progressive Party ( PPP ) secured 25 of the 36 directly elected seats in the House of Representatives , six fewer than at dissolution .
21 Heinz , 52 , an heir to the H. J. Heinz food fortune , had been elected senator for Pennsylvania in 1976 , following five years in the House of Representatives .
22 Harkin , serving his second term as senator after five terms in the House of Representatives , was an unabashed liberal ; a populist of working-class stock and thus able to appeal to the Democrats ' traditional constituency , his abrasiveness could alienate middle-class voters .
23 The LDP forced it through its committee stages in the House of Representatives — the Lower House of the Diet — on Nov. 27 , thereby causing a brawl to erupt amongst legislators angry over what they saw as a flouting of established procedure .
24 cf. American Notes , 17 : ‘ hear the public opinion of the free South , as expressed by its own members in the House of Representatives at Washington …
25 Suggestions that the split was in part a generational conflict were reinforced by figures which indicated that , of the Takeshita faction 's total legislative strength of 109 members , Obuchi was supported by only 19 members in the House of Representatives ( the lower chamber , where members tended to be younger than in the upper chamber ) but by all 42 members in the House of Councillors .
26 A " study group " — effectively a faction within the Takeshita faction — created in late October by Ozawa and his mentor , Finance Minister Tsutomu Hata , had the support of 36 of the faction 's members in the House of Representatives .
27 The Dolphin Protection Consumer Information Act , which would require canned tuna to be labelled as to whether it is ‘ dolphin-safe' ’ , received 126 co-sponsors in the House of Representatives , and is to be debated early in 1990 .
28 On Oct. 9 it was reported that Seaga had revoked the appointments as party spokesmen in the House of Representatives of four of the " Gang of Five " senior party members .
29 Elected Governor in 1987 , Roemer had previously been one of the southern Democrats in the House of Representatives who rebelled against their party and supported President Reagan 's tax cuts .
30 Democrats in the House of Representatives voted on Dec. 8 to support a proposition allowing the House representative for Washington DC and four US overseas territories to vote on the floor of the chamber from January 1993 .
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