Example sentences of "[noun pl] and it be suggest that " in BNC.

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1 Battells have also pointed out that they very often receive separate orders from the same areas and it is suggested that to save on carriage etc .
2 The Committee then discussed the possibility of lobbying through various political contacts and it was suggested that Tom Burt get in touch with the office of Lord James Douglas-Hamilton to see when it might be possible to have a talk with him .
3 First , a number of rules were specified about the use of rewards and punishers and it was suggested that a reward ‘ menu ’ be drawn up for each intervention in order that the child does not become satiated by a single type of reward which could then lose its reinforcing properties .
4 One unit was composed of many more buildings than the others and it is suggested that it represents a social difference with specialist activities taking place there .
5 On the outbreak of war the Iraqi army , including recalled reservists , numbered some 955,000 , of whom 620,000 were estimated to be committed to the Kuwaiti theatre of operations ( however , post-war evaluation called seriously into question initial Western intelligence estimates and it was suggested that the figure was nearer 300,000 ) .
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