Example sentences of "[noun pl] associate with [art] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 There are many parameters associated with the performance of a system , and their relevance will vary according to the use of the system : some systems may be designed for single users with a particular style of writing ; others may attempt to be more generalised and therefore need training .
2 The Middle to Upper Dalradian Tayvallich Formation is a thick ( up to 5 km ) series of submarine basic tholeiitic lavas and high level intrusions associated with the development of the Dalradian extensional basin in western Scotland ( Leake , 1982 ) .
3 It is estimated that the cost of such a system of local government would be around £1 million , against the £18 million projected savings associated with the creation of a single council for Edinburgh and the Lothians .
4 Simple diffusion models of the Atlantic Ocean yield surface salinity drops in the North Atlantic of 3–10 per cent during the meltwater pulses associated with the collapse of the ice sheets .
5 However , the majority view is that the public are well served by highly-skilled professionals trying to manage the increasing risks associated with the type of work at the commercial and spiritual hearts of their livelihoods .
6 Dealers said both institutional fund managers and private client investors — having seen the latest opinion poll results pointing a much closer finish to the election than previously expected — decided that the potential gains following a surprise Tory victory this morning actually outweighed the risks associated with the formation of a Labour government .
7 The only area that I 'm saying is in need for careful consideration is that related to risks associated with the possibilities of food poisoning and very high-risk food handling .
8 To prevent further cases the Indian community in the United Kingdom should be made aware of the risks associated with the use of ethnic remedies , and their distribution and sale should be monitored .
9 Redcar MP Mo Mowlam says she is concerned about possible health risks associated with the closure of public lavatories on the seafront and hopes to persuade Langbaurgh Council to re-open them for the summer .
10 A weighty body of objective opinion — of HMI , teachers , academics and local authorities — had built up during the 1970s to support the common-sense view that a pupil leaving school aged sixteen at the youngest should be prepared for the responsibilities and opportunities associated with the age of majority which he or she would attain no more than two years later .
11 Beccaria , it may be remembered , was criticised for only considering the disincentives associated with the operations of the criminal justice system in controlling crime , when the logic of his position clearly suggested the relevance of all incentives and disincentives for conformity or deviance encountered by individuals in their social settings .
12 Yet , the style of Samson is fundamentally different from those texts associated with the writing of popular radical groups .
13 Of more immediate importance , as far as the majority of the population was concerned , was the determination of the bishops to control non-monastic sites associated with the cult of the saints .
14 The controversies associated with the politicization of broadcasting masked three developments of long-term significance for communications policy :
15 The data collection coincided with a period of increasing structural tensions associated with a period of increasing structural tensions associated with reorganisations and amalgamations due to a re-unifying Germany .
16 The Welsh Rugby Union , meanwhile , have announced the setting up of a new National Development Player Committee ( NDPC ) which will assist senior players of international potential , and also monitor and evaluate more technical and administrative elements associated with the performance of national senior squads .
17 The area has been subject to Cimmerian rift-faulting but has suffered additional severe inversion and wrench-related movements associated with the edge of the Broad Fourteens Basin .
18 Thus , whereas section 1 deals with false statements associated with the supply of goods , section 14 deals with false statements associated with the provision of services .
19 Thus , whereas section 1 deals with false statements associated with the supply of goods , section 14 deals with false statements associated with the provision of services .
20 It is usual for relocation policies to pay a grant towards the costs associated with the education of employees ' children .
21 The price of such goods is less than it would be if producers had to take account of the external costs associated with the production of the good .
22 P-E International Plc has reported a £48,000 net loss for the year to December 31 , struck after £524,000 extraordinary costs associated with the sale of its Applied Skills for Management Ltd subsidiary , on turnover up 3.4% to £71.1m .
23 Also , the computerization of Inland Revenue operations may , in the long run significantly reduce the administrative costs associated with the collection of direct taxes .
24 There are a number of other needs associated with the problem of attempted suicide .
25 The needs associated with the problem of attempted suicide are clearly both considerable and pressing .
26 Secondly , there are the procedural responsibilities associated with the conventions of the student role .
27 The Hilliard Ensemble marks the quincentenary here with two distinct discs , one of works by composers associated with the courts of Ferdinand and Isabella , and other of music by Hispanic musicians living and working in the New World .
28 According to a WHO estimate , about half a million women die annually of illnesses associated with the process of childbearing ( WHO , 1985 , p. 5 ) .
29 One source of difficulty and confusion which , as we shall see , has survived the statutory reforms associated with the Contempt of Court Act 1981 is that interference with justice as a continuing process may occur through the medium of a particular criminal or civil case .
30 The difficulties associated with the introduction of the community charge were not caused by the time taken for the Bill to pass through the House , but by the fact that a large number of regulations relating to the charge were passed close to its introduction .
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