Example sentences of "[noun pl] which are likely to [be] " in BNC.

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1 The object is then to discover the form and structure of contractual relationships which are likely to be more robust and stable within this changing environment .
2 The Law Society conceded that it might ‘ … be suitable for some tribunal proceedings or even some criminal proceedings in magistrates ’ courts , ’ but remained ‘ firmly convinced of the necessity for retaining the certificate [ legal aid ] procedure for cases which are likely to be lengthy and costly . ’
3 He reckons the chancellor has awakened get-rich-quick expectations in East Germans which are likely to be disappointed .
4 It will attempt to identify those policies which are likely to be most effective in this and other countries , and thereby to provide an input into technology and economic policy-making .
5 Departments have agreed to notify the local planning authority of development proposals which are likely to be of special concern to the authority or to the public ; for example where there could be a very substantial effect on the character of a conservation area , or where there could be a significant planning impact , visually or otherwise , beyond the department 's own site .
6 These illustrations are simply suggestive of the complexities which are likely to be involved when we attempt to understand patterns of ‘ tending ’ within families of different cultural background .
7 Our experience of particular communicative situations teaches us what to expect of that situation , both in a general predictive sense ( e.g. the sort of attitudes which are likely to be expressed , the sort of topics which are likely to be raised ) which gives rise to notions of ‘ appropriacy ’ , and in a limited predictive sense which enables us to interpret linguistic tokens ( e.g. deictic forms like here and now ) in the way we have interpreted them before in similar contexts .
8 One answer is to compile a comprehensive media list , as outlined above , which takes in all the groups which are likely to be contacted with any frequency .
9 However , there are some products which are likely to be of particular interest to older people and some areas where mechanisms are needed to ensure they get a fair deal .
10 Following the completion of the audit [ specify ] , we will carry out a review of the company , giving particular attention to those areas which are likely to be given close scrutiny during any due diligence procedure .
11 The NVC for weeds was not available at the time of writing , but two named communities which are likely to be recognised are :
12 Other named communities which are likely to be recognised are :
13 But there remained large elements of his speech to Aberdeen Conservatives which are likely to be seen as a challenge to modern classroom practice and a potential increase in political interference in Scotland 's new curriculum for children aged between five and 14 .
14 So generalisation is important as a way of pulling you out of just describing the details of your individual experience as a reader , enabling you to make statements which are likely to be of interest to others about patterns or structures in the way literary texts work .
15 It is helpful , for example , to look at past questions , bearing in mind that there is usually only a limited range of possible questions which are likely to be asked about any given topic .
16 Our experience of particular communicative situations teaches us what to expect of that situation , both in a general predictive sense ( e.g. the sort of attitudes which are likely to be expressed , the sort of topics which are likely to be raised ) which gives rise to notions of ‘ appropriacy ’ , and in a limited predictive sense which enables us to interpret linguistic tokens ( e.g. deictic forms like here and now ) in the way we have interpreted them before in similar contexts .
17 However , check that there are no sounds which are likely to be noticed each time they come round on the repeats .
18 Students are encouraged to apply analytical and diagnostic skills to the information-related problems which are likely to be encountered at the interface of Personal Assistant , Office Supervisory and Middle Management levels , thus enhancing their ability to work in an interactive role in team situations .
19 The problems which are likely to be encountered in attempting to mesh such divergent data are both technical and philosophical .
20 Most of the publications which are likely to be interested in using pictures like these do not use colour photographs , so there is no point in wasting money taking them .
21 assuming that you choose to purchase a microcomputer , there is the choice of hardware In practice it is often the selection of software which determines this choice , but there are certain hardware features which are likely to be important .
22 In view of the legal uncertainty surrounding many of the terms which are likely to be included , that may be a dangerous course ; it may also damage the business 's commercial standing .
23 Crudely expressed , the librarian 's aim must be to acquire for stock the materials which are likely to be most frequently used .
24 The outline agreement they reached recently about the country 's transition to full democracy still has to be discussed at a multi-party forum to be re-convened along the lines of the previous Convention for a Democratic South Africa ( CODESA ) ; but already they are beginning to position themselves for elections which are likely to be a year away .
25 The costs of permanent military presence would be paid by Germany , Japan and oil-rich Arab allies , thus siphoning off excess savings to finance the permanent , long-term external deficits which are likely to be experienced by the US and Britain .
26 Participating companies are asked to provide information on products exported ; on the value of these exports to each market destination ; company employment figures ; the percentage of turnover dedicated to exports ; and their perception of future prospects , including indication of any new overseas markets which are likely to be of interest .
27 up to a point I have been able to illustrate this theme by drawing attention to contrasts which are likely to be familiar to all my readers , e.g. the difference in modern Western societies between monetary and non-monetary exchanges .
28 Therefore , at present , it is wise to design to work with systems which are likely to be available in schools in the near future , though options requiring extra facilities may sometimes be explored .
29 Try to steer away from foods which are based on sugar , and avoid dishes which are likely to be salty , such as crisps , chips , sausages etc .
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