Example sentences of "[noun pl] be supposed [prep] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The courts are supposed to be vigilant on behalf of the citizen , and mindful of the liberty to go about one 's lawful business .
2 The Marines were supposed to be afraid of nothing , but the sight of the villagers clawing their way back into the world was too much .
3 Such judgements are supposed to be true or false in a fairly straightforward way , and to be testable by empirical enquiry or perhaps appeal to the common experience of the human race .
4 Most advances are supposed to be short-term but in practice many are outstanding for long periods .
5 Rattlesnakes are supposed to be common , though they are generally shy and silent and we did n't see any trace of them .
6 All the colonists were supposed to feed themselves , though each of the plots was supposed to be left half-covered with forest .
7 In the conceptual case , each example 's properties are supposed to be precise and discrete .
8 Bank and building society managers are supposed to be approachable : if yours is not then change to another branch .
9 Although such assessments are supposed to be objective , i.e. based on data , the value of such studies is necessarily limited by out-of-date official statistics in many LDCs .
10 Jackdaws are supposed to be great collectors , but even a jackdaw could not fly off with the hands , feet and eyeballs of a four year old crammed into its beak all at once .
11 School playgrounds are supposed to be safe places , and in general I suppose that they are .
12 Space-fleet 's personal RIT devices were supposed to be unjammable up to a range of two kilometres , but it was obvious that Spinward had technology in the Arcadia system that outclassed Space-fleet 's latest equipment .
13 Though the city 's finances were supposed to be independent , Polish control of the railways meant that any citizen wishing to use the trains had to change Danzig currency into Polish currency before buying a ticket .
14 In August 1944 , having enlisted Chinese support , Ho crossed the border into north Vietnam to make contact once again with the Vietminh forces who , by this time , and in the absence of any other administrative control or military power , were extending their influence in the mountains of northern Tonkin in the area known as the Viet Bac Revolutionary armed forces were supposed to be growing and there was apparently enough revolutionary enthusiasm to support the idea of launching another insurrection from there within a couple of months .
15 From 1851 onwards the recorded ages were supposed to be accurate and the precise places of birth were noted .
16 Nicholson , 55 , said last night : ‘ I know reporters are supposed to be neutral but I had a chance to help someone .
17 Men are supposed to be hairy , Karim .
18 Whereas fat men are considered okay — men are supposed to be big and beefy , after all .
19 He had thought that children were supposed to be sharp and un-sentimental and though Emmie had not written in a sentimental way exactly , she had written about her family as if they were perfect .
20 That boys are supposed to be aggressive and outgoing , strong and demanding , while girls are neat and tidy , gentle and obedient is central to our stereotypes of masculinity and femininity .
21 This is a controversial issue : hoteliers and restaurateurs are supposed to be running hotels and restaurants , after all , not managing computer systems .
22 He had got the impression , from Marwan Ibrahim Al-Kaysi and from Mr Malik , that Muslims were supposed to be nice to each other .
23 The remarks were supposed to be private , but they were too juicy for the journalists to keep to themselves .
24 All that pent-up rage , kicking the bicycle rack … but proper competitors were supposed to be aggressive .
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