Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb mod] prove to be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Under such circumstances speculative capital movements can not be relied upon to offset any temporary deficit on the current account because capital flows may prove to be volatile in an uncertain world .
2 These two goals may prove to be incompatible and yet each will have its supporters .
3 It is more likely , however , that these singularities will prove to be more than artificial coordinate singularities that particles can pass through .
4 Rather than duplicate the work carried out in the creation of these parsers , the use of existing parsers should prove to be beneficial .
5 But the argument which carried the day in favour of providing more elementary studies was that courses of the Chapter III type in rural areas would prove to be attractive and would lead to more demanding studies and higher standards in subsequent years .
6 iii ) What additional effects will prove to be important in the statistical modelling of corporate financial data and how best can the size of companies and the sector of operations be accounted for ?
7 LEFT Dogs may prove to be fierce guardians of their home , but unprovoked displays of aggression can not be tolerated .
8 It might be heartbreaking but the summary plus the recommended actions may prove to be all that is ever needed or read .
9 I shall merely be requesting information about a taste which puzzles me , not demanding a further reason without which the whole string of answers will prove to be baseless .
10 The shipment estimates may prove to be conservative and production levels will depend on how much manufacturing capacity can be brought on stream , he said .
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