Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb base] [adv] seem to have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And attempts by several African countries , including Zimbabwe , Kenya , Nigeria and South Africa ( would you believe it ? ) to ban sales of these soaps do not seem to have done much to lessen its ' widespread use .
2 One can speculate why , with so much in common , Greeks and Jews do not seem to have spoken to each other .
3 It says a great deal for Saxon resilience that the Sussex settlements do not seem to have reverted to wholesale waste , and the pressure was greatly liked in 1017 when Cnut was elected king of England and the country passed under a Scandinavian aegis for the next half century or so .
4 The other points to note on the Regulations are : ( i ) that advantage can not be taken of the section if a provision , ‘ however expressed , ’ of the company 's memorandum or articles requires copies of the full accounts to be sent to members or which prohibits the sending of summary financial statements ( ii ) that provisions , similar to those in relation to the full accounts , apply to approval by , and signature on behalf of , the directors of the summary , and ( iii ) that , up to the end of 1991 , most listed companies do not seem to have opted to adopt the innovation .
5 Composers do not seem to have found much use for this device , though it has been known since Weber 's day .
6 There are many references to our caves but the writers do not seem to have gone beyond the entrances and we are left wondering what they are like inside and most importantly whether they were ever lived in , and if so , by whom .
7 In the past , longer terms do not seem to have affected applications for places .
8 Although the old grammatical drills and exercises do not seem to have raised standards of composition , it appears that new ways of teaching language can be of help .
9 It is now in favour of three Tridents , but Opposition Members do not seem to have got that point yet .
10 Young academics and critics do not seem to have had the same difficulty , or if they do , are not letting on .
11 Religion unites or divides , and convictions still run very deep , but in recent years religious differences do n't seem to have figured large in British life , except of course in Northern Ireland , and the disputes and controversies associated with the Reformation have largely been forgotten .
12 The Americans do not seem to have had problems in setting up units which seek to provide permanence by offering specialist and intensive social work services both to natural families and to children joining substitute new families .
13 But until about 1530 these developments do not seem to have caused any serious anxiety .
14 In the present context , the importance of the Mareva injunction lies in the associated order that there be disclosure of the nature and location of the assets covered by the injunction ( and possibly of other assets , though the courts do not seem to have gone this far ) and of documents relating to those assets .
15 While the Macintosh and PC both have a number of data base programs in common ; Ashton Tate 's dBASE and Blyth Omnis/Crystal being the best supported , the software houses do n't seem to have kept the products quite as similar as they might have done .
16 In practice , however , the rules do not seem to have proved as restrictive as many had feared , especially after some relaxations were permitted in January 1990 , in response to submissions by the broadcasters , allowing group shots ( midway between head and shoulder and wide-angle ) and more individual reaction shots ( although these relaxations do not apply during Question Time or ministerial statements ) .
17 erm for some reason certain issues do n't seem to have appeared in the first place
18 Whereas in London and in England generally , it had been a matter of principle from the start that Monotypes should be worked by male union labour , " in Edinburgh , the men do not seem to have come forward to learn the Monotype , even in response to invitations from the employers .
19 I have tried local shops and freezer centres without success ; restaurants and cafes do n't seem to have heard of it , even though it is available in several countries abroad .
20 But the riots do not seem to have deterred travellers .
21 Yet all her precautions do not seem to have prevented the 26-year-old woman from abduction .
22 Western politicians do not seem to have learned any lesson from these events , particularly not the fact that , until Arab regimes become acceptable to the populations over which they rule , they will continue to be unstable , repressive and no basis for effective collective security .
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