Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] it is possible [that] " in BNC.

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1 There is documentary evidence that considerable numbers of Garonnais cattle went to England during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries and it is possible that they influenced the big , yellow-red South Devon .
2 These mobile pieces of DNA ( called transposons ) share many features in common with the genetic material of some viruses and it is possible that viruses have evolved from them .
3 Most of the terraces are preserved as flattenings on spurs and it is possible that similar features might result from wasting of a spur due to attack by the headward erosion of valleys on either side .
4 This is a factor in selection , and all Cabinets have some first-class administrators , but there are other , political reasons for appointments and it is possible that in any Cabinet of twenty , a half would not have been chosen if the only grounds had been the capacity to run a large department .
5 There are synovial joints between the fifth to eighth costal cartilages and it is possible that in some of the patients in this series the pain was a result of inflammation in one of these joints .
6 ‘ Tomorrow morning we attack the German positions and it is possible that we have nothing more to eat after this evening . ’
7 The stringent criteria for selecting our patients meant that we had few patients and it is possible that a difference in acid secretion between the patients with idiopathic DU and H pylori positive patients with DU could become apparent with greater numbers .
8 Of course , the British are not the only ones to take holidays and it is possible that you will be sharing your hotel with a group ( perhaps a large one ) from another country .
9 Further , in earlier years the branch had attempted to extend its WEA social and educational activity into surrounding villages and it is possible that the branch had pressed the District for the appointment of a resident tutor in East Suffolk — although the documentary evidence on this point is somewhat unclear .
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