Example sentences of "[noun pl] [Wh det] have lead [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the face of mounting defeats , personal losses , misery , and sacrifice , Hitler 's earlier successes began to be seen in a new light , and he was now increasingly blamed for policies which had led to the war , and for his failure to terminate the war and produce the desired peace .
2 In the discussions which had led to the creation of the ECSC , other economic sectors such as transport and agriculture had been highlighted as being ripe for similar developments .
3 It was also claimed that Mr Deans had been responsible for the non-payment of police bills which had led to a threat of police cover being withdrawn for home matches .
4 The ill-feeling between the British and American governments which had led to the delay in granting Virgin an exemption to fly into the States back in June now resurfaced .
5 Ironically , with its determined attempt to restructure the British economy at the expense of the working class , and by taking such a hard line on scroungers and loungers , the Conservative Government has created the very social conditions which have led to the intensification of the very crime wave it was elected to end .
6 The other major setback came in the shape of the winter 's East Coast floods which had led to the loss of some branch members and severe dislocation of classes in Norfolk , Suffolk and Essex .
7 Negotiations over a joint fishing agreement between the two countries had been disrupted by incidents between Trinidadian fishermen and Venezuelan coastguards which had led to the death of one Trinidadian in October 1989 .
8 ( d ) when , before an approach is made , the target is the subject of rumour and speculation or suffers an untoward movement in its share price and there are reasonable grounds for concluding that it is the potential bidder 's actions which have led to the situation .
9 The main arguments which have led to the creation of the new tribunals with their own appellate tribunal have centred around the complexity of social security law , and yet there is no increased provision of funding for assistance through legal aid , law centres or welfare rights services .
10 Gingrich had been the first to lay formal charges which had led to the resignation on June 6 of the Speaker of the House of Representatives , Jim Wright [ see p. 36650 ] , and it was widely believed that his own investigation had been initiated in revenge in April by Representative Bill Alexander ( Dem. , Arkansas ) who on Oct. 26 filed new charges against Gingrich for alleged misuse of campaign funds and of congressional stationery .
11 But it is the more routine work they do that really makes the significant contribution to safety in the air , such as the identification of the origin of injuries sustained in survivable accidents which has led to the de-lethalisation of aircraft cockpits and cabins .
12 The demographic developments which have led to an ageing population in Britain are characteristic of all developed nations , with a trend towards lower birth rates and reduced mortality at all ages .
13 The data examined in this study give a consistent picture of behaviour changes among homosexual men which have led to a continuance of HIV transmission in this group in England and Wales .
14 An initial working party , made up of representatives of all sections of the industry , was established in conjunction with Industry Matters to address the issues which have led to the perception of the industry as an unattractive career option .
15 Longer-term factors which had led to a decline in the gold price were lack of demand because of the prolonged recession in the USA and the slowdown in activity in other major industrialized countries , a switch by investors from the gold market to financial markets , and a failure to limit production and thus reduce supplies ( particularly in South Africa , the world 's largest producer ) .
16 Studies of aid projects have tended to focus on the results of such projects and have lacked detailed analysis of what preceded the projects or the political and bureaucratic factors which have led to a project being implemented or abandoned .
17 Poultry had benefited from efficient , low-cost , intensive production systems which had led to a prize competitive product .
18 The University of Edinburgh has come late and abruptly to these changes , its collective mind concentrated by the need to change planning systems which had led to the sudden emergence of large , recurring deficits .
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