Example sentences of "[noun pl] [was/were] [not/n't] likely to be " in BNC.

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1 But , even within such a system the role of nations was not likely to be central because the main players in such a game would be units far larger than the states that most of the characterist , ie , separatist , nationalist agitations of the late 20th century were designed to form .
2 After 1956 — the year in which the government had tried and failed to cut off Arab support for the FLN in the ill-fated Anglo-French Suez expedition — there had been a growing perception , both in Paris and among the general public , that these dilemmas were not likely to be resolved by short-lived coalition governments of the kind that the Fourth Republic produced .
3 The press-gang gave politicians an effective method of giving a very real service to the parties more directly concerned , and it was one which should have created a lasting sense of obligation , for life before the mast in one of His Majesty 's ships was not likely to be easily forgotten .
4 Places reserved for the burial of cremated remains were not likely to be filled for many years — if ever .
5 It was a small , unpretentious , privately run hotel , with small rooms where conversations were not likely to be overheard .
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