Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pers pn] used [to-vb] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And the he sent one of my lads we used to do a lot in the area for him , and obviously he ca n't afford to spend too much so h we sent one man in the little van to get this pool table from a working man 's club in New in er Nottingham .
2 Aye and mind the lasses they used to play a lot with instead of marbles they were working with .
3 When I was working at British Airways we used to do a lot of technical training and erm it was sort of on er airline regulation , stuff like that and you could always tell the activists cos they did n't really want to all they wanted to do was to get on the computers and actually trying out things out themselves , they piece of furniture the activists do n't want to read the instructions , they want to start putting it together and then they 'd learn from actually putting it together rather than them reading the instructions and regulation training you could always tell the activist cos they sort of always like chopping every bit , they just want to they just want to get on the computers and start inputting numbers and they 'll actually learn , they , they prefer to do that and then somebody can come round and help them out when they get into trouble rather than some of the other which perhaps like to more up front and that 's the activist .
4 The rabbits he used to put a snare down for , and erm if we were lucky we got one .
5 No well we used to kill them with a stick but of course they used to lay the rabbits out at that time to see how many they caught cos that was a little bit of perks for the farm labourers they used to buy a rabbit for sixpence , then they go up to ninepence for a rabbit .
6 In order to keep the boys separate from the girls he used to draw a chalk line down the middle of our meeting room , and when we got carried away and crossed the line he would burst into a ferocious rage , pick up anything that was to hand — usually a book — and throw it at the offender , who had to duck fast in order not to be hit .
7 And they used to bring us girls chocolates ; because when they were coming out of the dining-room , anything nice ( they had n't time to take off their gloves ) anything nice that was left in the dishes they used to pinch a piece and eat it .
8 yes , any colour you can think of , I mean erm , blue I think is one of the worse , but thinking of lampshades we used to sell a lot of er lampshades for putting on table lamps er and erm , we 'd have just about every colour and somebody would come along and say well erm have n't you got one in purple and of course I 'd refrain from saying thank god no I have n't
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