Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] a joint [noun sg] with " in BNC.

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1 Hutchison Telecommunications UK Ltd 's Hutchison Paging has launched a financial services pager for private investors in a joint venture with the Financial Times Cityline stocks and shares information line : the pager covers 3,000 shares and within one minute of a chosen counter reaching a pre-set value , the pager automatically bleeps and displays a phone number , which can be called to hear the details ; the pager costs £160 plus tax , and includes a year 's subscription to the service , which will cost £100 plus tax for subsequent years .
2 Vallance said further that ‘ the chances that British Telecom would enter into Eunetcom or Infonet are slender ’ because of the diminished returns in a joint venture with too many partners .
3 Here they met processions from surrounding villages for a joint service with all the local denominations represented .
4 Fujitsu has started negotiations on a joint venture with the Chinese Science Commission of Tianjin for the development of a computer system for the Chinese language .
5 Detectives have seized around five hundred suspected pirate videos in a joint operation with copyright investigators .
6 This high score took Chats to a joint leadership with the Likely Lads .
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