Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [noun sg] as far as " in BNC.

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1 At the same time the adrenalin surge is itself a strong feeling and any strong feeling can be a trigger factor in stimulating the urge to use other mood-altering substances or processes — It is therefore advisable for people in recovery from any form of addictive disease that they should avoid gambling and other forms of risk-taking as far as possible .
2 All in all she managed to add considerably to her feelings of inadequacy as far as Ace was concerned by the time she made her way downstairs towards the kitchen .
3 If that departure has not been wholly amicable and an adjustment arises which increases an individual 's tax liability , there is the prospect of prolonged discussions with former partners and possibly problems of collectability as far as the Revenue is concerned .
4 Some directors were of course friends of administration , and used their powers of patronage as far as possible to supplement the efforts of government , but others , and notably the Elphinstone family , used their Indian patronage to sustain an opposition to Henry Dundas in Scotland .
5 There is also leading edge research taking place into pushing the limits of compression as far as they can possibly go .
6 There are two important systems of nomenclature as far as we are concerned .
7 This alone would have been sufficient grounds for divorce as far as my Pop was concerned .
8 But , many of these , er many of these jobs of course as far as the young people were concerned were dead end jobs .
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