Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [noun] over a period " in BNC.

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1 The hon. Member for Blackburn produces wholly fictitious figures which compare the new building costs for new schools or for the conversion of schools to CTCs over a period of three years with the capital expenditure borrowing guidelines for 14 authorities in one year .
2 Other studies have surveyed panels of respondents over a period of time — though few have physiological measures of health ( such as changes in blood pressure ) or doctors diagnoses , and most use self-report questionnaires of one sort or another .
3 1979 ) to measure the time delay for reflections from Mars over a period of 14 months .
4 As it happens , there is a substantial engine refurbishment contract in the offing which ( although tenders have not yet been invited ) promises to bring someone several tens of millions of pounds in revenue over a period of a few years .
5 They have an album of photos showing the house at different stages of completion over a period of 18 months .
6 Chairman can I er suggest to these results of course over a period and I 'd like to see
7 But this is surely nitpicking , in what can be viewed as a significant contribution to our knowledge of so many aspects relating to the ordinary citizens of Florence over a period of more than 200 years .
8 However in practice deterioration of stock inevitably sets in , through a variety of factors : original errors or omissions in selection ( for the reasons suggested above ) ; poor control of withdrawals and replacements ; fluctuations in funding over a period of years ; fluctuations in demand caused by changes in the constituency , or changes in their needs .
9 Typology is the study of the development of particular types of artefact over a period of time .
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