Example sentences of "[noun pl] [modal v] [adv] give [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Any gamma coming from the capture of fusion neutrons should therefore give a peak between these two , at 2224 keV .
2 This magical number may have rendered the split-screen sequence superfluous ; but most Astaire and Charisse fans would probably give a day 's pay to see it once .
3 The removal of four directors would not give the father and son unfettered control of the club , Mr Davidson added .
4 Parents will often give a guardian the right to occupy the house for a certain length of time , but it is nearly always left in trust for the child .
5 IBOA has totally rejected this arrogant attempt by the Banks to undermine the settlement proposals and members in all Banks should clearly give a message to their Management , that this development is totally unacceptable .
6 If you use it to compare the alcohol contents of a wine and a beer , remember that you 'll probably drink more beer than wine so the % alcohol figures may not give an indication of the amount of alcohol you are really drinking .
7 The commanders would only give the pilots a grid reference of the target and instructions to drop the bombs on the flares dropped by advance fighters .
8 An examination of the structure of the mouthparts will therefore give a clue to the feeding mechanism and frequently to the nature of the food of an insect .
9 Fabrics with horizontal patterns will also give the impression of width , and curtains that are draped back will help to break the vertical line that would otherwise be formed by curtains which hang straight down at the sides .
10 Hund 's Rules will usually give the ground term correctly , but they are less reliable for the higher energy states .
11 It seems Australian music lovers could n't give a XXXX for Paul Keating .
12 There is often no reason to expect such patterns and one may expect that longitudinal correlations will usually give a curve such as A ( Fig. 19.5 ) .
13 Women who have attended the Dow-Stoker Returner courses can always give the course tutor as a referee .
14 Large patient throughput in hospitals can undoubtedly give the impression of excessive use if patients spend many hours waiting to be seen or queuing for drugs .
15 Thus discussion lessons can often give the impression that everything is just a matter of opinion — there need be no rigour , for " it 's all subjective anyway " .
16 Correction of bank to level position , as indicated by the instruments will now give a feeling of bank in the opposite direction .
17 The numbers of bands in the spectra of initial , intermediate and final samples will often give an indication of the numbers and relative positions of CO ligands .
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