Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] likely to be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is just that the type of early-warning signals just discussed will indicate whether the expected improvement in competitive strength and the projected cash flows are likely to be achievable .
2 Accordingly we can identify two necessary conditions which must be fulfilled before macroeconomic policies are likely to be successful :
3 In Statement B this story line is applied to the police force to suggest that the young white working-class men who enter the force are to a large extent preselected , and irrespective of recruitment and training policies are likely to be authoritarian personality types who flourish in a para-military environment and ‘ have a hang-up about race ’ .
4 These oolites are likely to be similar to those present in Rustenburg-l , where a thin unit of cross-bedded oolitic grainstones about 2 m in thickness , is present at the base of the platform sequence ( Fig. 28 ) .
5 Where an owner continues to be centrally involved and lives in the house or on the estate , attitudes are likely to be positive and the house opened in a lively fashion .
6 Automatic negotiating rights are not guaranteed , but employers are likely to be angry .
7 Again , unions in conjunction with employers are likely to be able to find answers to the access-to-cash problem .
8 Damages in fatal accident cases are likely to be substantial and should not be underestimated .
9 Here the use of but suggests that the speaker thinks small houses are likely to be dirty .
10 The trouble with the new community councils is that they have largely fallen into the hands of the incoming middle-class whose views are likely to be coincident with the dominant ideology .
11 Employers ' and parents interpretations may diverge even more widely , particularly as the level of detail these groups are likely to be able or willing to handle will be broader than that used by teachers .
12 Although he stops short of locating particular disciplines within this typology , one can see that for example the natural sciences would tend to be hard and pure , engineering would be hard and applied , the arts are likely to be soft , and so on .
13 Modern readers are likely to be pragmatic ; if a poem like Alice Fell is still convincing as poetry , it matters little what theories it was designed to illustrate ; if it does not succeed , no amount of special pleading can save it .
14 Production organizations are likely to be high structures and R&D departments low structures .
15 If we are indeed a unique species then many of the behaviours which differentiate us from other animals are likely to be due to our genetic make-up rather than to cultural conditioning ; but the difficulty is to know just what these animal-human characteristics might be .
16 In these relationships , both parties are likely to be risk-averse , perhaps employees more so than the manager as they may have a greater proportion of human and other capital tied up in firm-specific assets .
17 The United Kingdom 's reserves are likely to be empty in forty years even at the current rate of consumption .
18 We suggest that , whatever the lineage of the TNF α producing cells , the effects of such high local concentrations are likely to be adverse .
19 Efficiency improvements in cars are likely to be responsible for significant conservation of fuel in the next 10 years .
20 Their pregnancies are likely to be troublesome and repetitive .
21 Now the only survivors are likely to be serious candidates .
22 Readers — not only teachers and examiners , but readers generally — develop such sophisticated responses to nuances of register that faked styles are likely to be noticeable .
23 Dismissals are likely to be fair provided that the employer can show a good business reason for the move and that adequate consultation took place .
24 In relation to white British culture in particular , various factors combine to create a sense of unreliability in in-law support : the ambiguity about whether the in-laws are ‘ really ’ part of your kin group ; the possibility that the linking third party will be removed at some stage ; the expectation that in-law relationships are likely to be tricky at an interpersonal level .
25 Wider networks in schools are likely to be possible in the future .
26 Their reporting of speeches is likely to be inaccurate in many ways , sometimes embarrassingly so .
27 Examples given in " Working Together " which may justify exclusion include cases where parents are likely to be disruptive or violent to the child or professional participants ( para 6.15 ) .
28 However , we are given that errors are likely to be proportional to t .
29 Planting can be in autumn or spring , the latter if winters are likely to be severe .
30 Women in the trade unions are advising that unless 15 years of trade-union equality policies are negotiated into practice , any market-led advantages are likely to be short-term and easily reversible .
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