Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] almost [adv] [verb] by " in BNC.

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1 Personal injury cases are almost always tried by judges alone , and receive recompense on a scale which can be predicted with some accuracy by reference to recent cases .
2 Their grievances were almost totally ignored by the government and thus since the government suppressed almost any step taken collectively by the workers to improve their economic position , the political aims of the workers became dominant over the economic goals .
3 Among the ancient civilisations of North Africa and Asia , the slaughter of domestic animals was almost invariably accompanied by elaborate sacrificial rituals in which , surprisingly , the emphasis was on causing the minimum amount of suffering and distress .
4 For the sake of convenience this will be left for Chapter 5 though it is essential to remember that the data collected through social surveys are almost exclusively obtained by means of this method .
5 Abundance thus rapidly acquired by those who were ignorant of its proper application hastened the progress of luxury and licentiousness , and the lower orders were almost universally corrupted by profusion and depravity scarcely to be credited by those who are strangers to our district .
6 During the campaign , however , broader EC issues were almost entirely overshadowed by the controversial issue of abortion , and whether the Irish Constitution 's restrictive abortion provisions could be affected by EC rights to freedom of movement and information .
7 Therefore , the observed trends were almost exclusively explained by the 400% increase during 1943–77 in cancers accurately coded as anal .
8 The ‘ vowel-plus-semivowel ’ interpretation of long vowels and diphthongs was almost universally accepted by American ( and some British ) writers from the 1940s to the 1960s , and still pervades contemporary descriptions .
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