Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [pron] 'd [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Laura almost groaned out loud as she recalled Ross 's reassuring words when he 'd left for London two days ago .
2 Fifteen years ago they 'd decided to be circumspect , they 'd brought their love affair to an end because the baby had been born .
3 Back in the days when he 'd lived in a hole in a bank , Masklin had spent far too much time cold and wet to turn up his nose at a chance to sleep warm and dry .
4 It was the first time he 'd been really alone since the days when he 'd lived in a hole and had to go out hunting by himself because there was no one else .
5 Seconds later he 'd leapt into car with the kids , his bare torso on someone 's lap on the front seat .
6 ‘ Please , ’ she murmured as she climbed the steps to the fifth-floor Brooklyn Heights flat she 'd subleased for the summer , ‘ please , let this be an acceptance ! ’
7 How would he be if on one of those Saturday mornings when he 'd hung around the rectory she 'd recognized herself the bitterness beneath his grin ?
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