Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] all [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 there are 12 designs for all around the home , and they offer an inexpensive way to make any room 's decorations unique .
2 horse racing fans from all over the country came to the Cotswolds yesterday for a rather special day …
3 horse racing fans from all over the country came to the Cotswolds yesterday for a rather special day …
4 She was buried at Cholsey where her grave has become a shrine for fans from all over the world .
5 Candidates from all over the north east descended on this once quiet spa town , to be introduced to the delights of Sales .
6 He recalls in the book , that ‘ On Court 1 , one intrepid spectator … persuaded fellow spectators to play charades , while in the various Press rooms , another entirely different game was being played , as journalists from all over the world pondered how to fill acres of space available to record the most important events of the day ’ .
7 Top designers from all over the country were getting together to stage something that , it was already forecast , would be the money-raising event of the year .
8 It began life as a village feast and is now an agricultural and country sports show attracting entries from all over the North of England .
9 The event , sponsored by the Cooperative Bank and organised by the town 's recreation department , attracts entries from all over the country , many of whom run in fancy dress for their favourite charities .
10 My guess is that he is a receiver of stolen cars from all over the country .
11 THANKS to the efforts of thousands of persistent and courageous newsmen from all over the world , the war in ex-Yugoslavia that started in June 1991 may already be the most closely reported and copiously documented conflict in history .
12 On page 18 we 've got Part Two of Paul Buttle 's exclusively designed circuit of the Lakes , while on page 51 there 's our new and improved Out and About section , with no fewer than 14 great walks from all over the country .
13 Today it 's the place where fire fighters from all over the world learn how best to do their job .
14 Quality DJs from all over the country have been coming to Middlesbrough for the last couple of years , including London DJs who are now returning through the Flying organisation .
15 They were a centre for training Communists from all over the world who would go back as leaders into strategic posts in their own countries .
16 ‘ We get visitors from all over the country and Europe , ’ he explained .
17 The novelty of these services meant that the area , as a pioneer development centre , soon attracted visitors from all over the country .
18 The show has gained a reputation as a regional Chelsea , attracting nurserymen and visitors from all over the country .
19 The show has gained a reputation as a regional Chelsea , attracting nurserymen and visitors from all over the country .
20 The Great Exhibition lasted from May until October and attracted visitors from all over the world to see the various items of produce exhibited , and a Mr. Thomas Cook enlarged his business by arranging trips to that Exhibition from a great many places .
21 The most popular tourist areas are the Royal Mile and Princes Street , attracting visitors from all over the world throughout the year , but reaching a peak of popularity during the Festival .
22 They describe themselves as ‘ emigres from the South East ’ and truly delight in sharing their lovely home with visitors from all over the world .
23 The proprietors of Elmfield House , Jim and Edith Lillie , were initially a little apprehensive about opening their much restored and much-cared for home to the public — but they soon came to appreciate the friendship and interest given to them by their visitors from all over the world .
24 A spectacular World Horticultural Exhibition , festivally named Floriade , is held every ten years in the Netherlands attracting thousands of visitors from all over the world .
25 RIGHT The evidence from the site and the excavation itself has been reconstructed in a very vivid way at the Jorvik Viking centre , and is a very popular attraction for visitors from all over the world .
26 The Swiss Alps attract visitors from all over the world .
27 Held only once every 20 years , Preston Guild attracts visitors from all over the world .
28 Well to-do visitors would have taken it as their right to be given a tour of the house and gardens as they travelled the country in past centuries — today visitors from all over the world come to Blenheim — their entrance fees paying for its up-keep .
29 Visitors from all over the region are converging on the Gray Art Gallery and Museum , Hartlepool , to see an exhibition of the work of realist painter John Bratby , which is to go on a UK tour .
30 A festival of traditional dancing and street theatre , there will be twenty countries from all over the world putting on a memorable display .
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