Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] already [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Seventeen schools have already opted out in Gloucestershire .
2 Seventeen schools have already opted out in Gloucestershire .
3 Four companies have already signed up to the scheme , and the Centre has the capacity to look after three or four more — it has already had about 20 applications .
4 Two newsletters have already gone out to all staff , and these will continue in the months to come .
5 Some of those problems had already shown up on the print-outs , let alone from the drivers .
6 It claims that over 1,000 independent software vendors have already signed up for the new version .
7 Several big names have already signed up for the massive complex which will house 68 shops when it opens in August .
8 But Americans had already moved on to another massive and distinctively North American style , the station as office block .
9 ‘ Even though PDAG is not to be abolished until next April , it seems members have already given in to the Tories .
10 And the temptation is to look at that list and say wonderful I can start phoning prospects that the doctors have already lined up for me .
11 Sunflowers have already caught on in France and now a handful of farmers are trying their luck with the new crop here .
12 One of the men has already come back to Britain voluntarily , the older one is fighting extradition
13 The idea seemed to fit Lucy 's current expression , as though all hands had already gone down for the third time .
14 They had walked the perimeter his men had already marked out in preparation for the stockade he planned around the new settlement ; the deputies had taken this in , uttering cries among themselves at the tools his men handled .
15 Hundreds of new age travellers have already turned up to the site .
16 Some businesses vowed they would be back today and a number of ‘ business as usual ’ signs had already gone up around shop windows .
17 However , in the preparation of final-year seminar papers and dissertations , or if you continue on at college as a research student , you will need to find out details of all the work that others have already carried out in the field in which you are interested .
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