Example sentences of "[adj] effects of [noun] on the " in BNC.

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1 Research has shown the harmful effects of stress on the mother and fetus .
2 Possibly the direct effects of war on the Flemish cloth towns , which suffered from the campaigns , may have been a further benefit to English producers ; indeed this may have been a more important factor in the decline of Flanders than the tariff protection enjoyed by England , because the Dutch cloth industry , which used English wool , also developed at this time at the expense of the Flemish .
3 The study reported in this paper has adopted the latter approach and has explored one of the constant metabolic effects of ethanol on the pancreas — namely , increased lysosomal fragility , which may render the organ susceptible to autodigestion by facilitating contact between pancreatic digestive enzymes and lysosomal hydrolases .
4 Therefore , agents capable of reducing hypergastrinaemia may be of potential value in preventing the trophic effects of hypergastrinaemia on the gastric mucosa .
5 This may suggest that the histamine releasing and the trophic effects of gastrin on the enterochromaffin like cells are mediated by interaction with the same receptor .
6 The US space shuttle Columbia successfully completed a 14-day flight on July 9 , the longest ever by a space shuttle crew , during which the prolonged effects of weightlessness on the human body were further studied .
7 The pathogenesis of alcoholic pancreatitis can be approached in two ways : ( i ) by studying factors influencing the individual susceptibility to the disease or ( ii ) by studying constant effects of ethanol on the pancreas .
8 In his responsiveness to temporal processes he differed from many of his contemporaries and we can look upon him as the forerunner in literature of those , like Spenser and Shakespeare in the late sixteenth century , who were greatly concerned with the irreversible effects of time on the human mind and Spirit .
9 I was heartened by this news though Marianne , who has experienced the unpredictable effects of alcohol on the North African male to her cost , was less amused .
10 Little is known of the general effects of oil on the distribution of small cetaceans .
11 The chemical effects of burial on the pottery are few and generally well known .
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