Example sentences of "[adj] amount of [noun] on the " in BNC.

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1 There 's no point in us spending a horrendous amount of money on the site if we 've no control over it . ’
2 a good amount of information on the products shown should be available beforehand ( emphasising the importance of pre-exhibition mailing ) ;
3 I understand there is still a considerable amount of graffiti on the motorway bridge over Tithe Barn Lane .
4 An inset was at one time created for Skelton , and it resulted in a considerable amount of building on the south side .
5 Paul keeps up a hectic programme of lectures on the species , and has amassed a considerable amount of information on the pros and cons of reintroduction .
6 Identifying the specific weaving group is , of course , far more difficult , and you would have to gather a considerable amount of information on the individual variations in weave , colour and composition before hazarding a guess .
7 Apparently at this particular time there was a considerable amount of traffic on the road in question and traffic from one direction had halted in order to allow that the young girl and her friend to cross the road they began to cross on the zebra crossing but , as she reached the centre of the road Mrs was driving her vehicle in the opposite direction and she failed to stop the young girl , in her teens , was unable to take , avoiding acci action and she was knocked down as she crossed the road .
8 Yes , your worships I wonder if I may assist the court o on behalf of er M Mrs erm Mrs er has told me that she thought at the time of the incident again was in fact , nearer to five o'clock than than , than four thirty and she was driving from Billington towards Clitheroe she had come through the traffic lights at the bottom of Accrington Road in Worley and she was proceeding along King Street in Worley er , towards towards Clitheroe and sh she has told me that at the time there was a considerable amount of traffic on the road and yo i in fact had that confirmed to you by er , my friend er the the traffic was sufficiently heavy that in fact , the the traffic travelling in the direction of Blackburn er was wai was backed up to the traffic lights as far as the zebra crossing and beyond it and so as Mrs erm was travelling towards Clitheroe her view of the children on the footpath at the opposite side of the road was obstructed by the cars that were er , travelling towards Blackburn .
9 The match will provide Ipswich with a chance to give some of the players who have spent a considerable amount of time on the bench with some badly needed match practice .
10 From the time of James Callaghan 's famous Ruskin speech in 1976 , an enormous amount of documentation on the curriculum has issued from the DES and HMI ( Chapter 1.1 offers a brief overview of some of the key events and documents ) .
11 There is Robert Skidelsky 's history of the second Labour government and Stuart Ball 's excellent account of the Conservative party in opposition , a book which casts an enormous amount of light on the inner life of the party .
12 There can be little doubt that there is available to humankind meanings to the words ‘ god ’ and ‘ religion ’ which are based on reason and the intelligent interpretation of the limitless amount of information on the course of evolution and civilisation which can be gathered through the study of history and prehistory .
13 I was comfortably warm using the main bag and bivvy bag for an outdoor bivvy ( lowest temperature +5°C ) and only found a small amount of condensation on the inside when I woke up .
14 If you do not like the idea of an infinite number you must still recognize that there must be some number of moments of slug pleasure which would outweigh any finite amount of joy on the earth .
15 Each character in a font takes a precise amount of space on the page when it is printed .
16 However , by 1892 the immense amount of work on the structure and synthesis of organic compounds over the previous 25–30 years made a more systematic approach to naming these compounds necessary .
17 d ) They provide an immense amount of information on the culture .
18 Hank drifted silently in through the back door and deposited a pile of school books on the kitchen table and a fair amount of snow on the kitchen floor from his moccasins .
19 The methods described and examples outlined above demand a certain amount of expertise on the part of the collaborator .
20 Nanbu gained a certain amount of success on the Japanese karate tournament scene , winning the All-Japan Students Championships three times .
21 ‘ There was a certain amount of dandruff on the shirt collar and more on the collar of the jacket .
22 The letter continued : ’ The answers to your specific questions to the Minister , are , therefore , that we have seen a certain amount of information on the cost of the King 's Cross project ’ — we should like to know what that certain amount of information is — ’ and the projected revenues before giving consent to the deposit of the Bill . ’
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