Example sentences of "[adj] as the [noun pl] [verb] by " in BNC.

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1 It may seem pessimistic , even morbid , to think about a child , parents , a partner or ourselves becoming more and more dependent as the years go by .
2 You should continue to lose weight and to feel more and more healthy as the weeks go by .
3 It should be remembered , however , that all old people tend to become a little more self-centred as the years go by .
4 The real essence of ‘ Thatcherism ’ , indeed , lay not so much in its ideas , which proved to be increasingly malleable as the years went by , and especially when Nigel Lawson took over the Treasury in 1984 .
5 Therefore , in the population , this form of the gene will become more numerous as the generations go by .
6 It is also considered unlucky to pay the whole of a doctor 's bill , a superstition which may prove important as the years go by , considering what some people say is happening to the NHS .
7 J.D. had told Sally-Anne Tunstall that if it was inconvenient to visit him she could always post her column to him ; he had seen her growing more and more responsible as the weeks went by , and he was no longer so worried about her safety .
8 HRT is also of benefit for the intermediate symptoms of the menopause , those that do not appear until some time after periods have stopped but which tend to get more noticeable and troublesome as the years go by .
9 He became more and more secretive as the years went by .
10 The door was pushed open and Zak Smythe , who grew more benign as the days went by , appeared .
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