Example sentences of "[adj] for [det] sorts [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ With retirement , the timing can be crucial for all sorts of reasons ; for tax and pension provision , but also so that the ground rules can be prepared for post-retirement activities . ’
2 We have what sounds like an accurate personal description of Charles : " of middle height , good-looking , fit for all sorts of exercise , bold , generous , shrewd and good at public speaking " .
3 Bamboo skewers are ideal for all sorts of kebabs , but soak them first in warm water .
4 Erm which are okay for fact recognition but not so good for more sorts of analysis problems .
5 And if you have n't got a baby you 'll find it a great for all sorts of household jobs .
6 Quite obviously , there is a good deal of , as yet , classified technology which might one day be available for all sorts of hazard mitigation purposes .
7 The advance learning unit is open for them to stay on after school and study there as well , and it 's also open for all sorts of activities every night of the week .
8 As Sally Alexander has observed , they ran the risk of leaving the door ‘ wide open for all sorts of ideas equating the national interest with motherhood and children ’ .
9 Meat production is obviously inefficient for all sorts of reasons and meat production from beef reared intensively is really wasteful by all sorts of criteria ; it is very expensive on fossil fuel , it is not very productive in terms of food energy and the animals are obviously having to be killed in the process .
10 A person can become a Christian for all sorts of reasons , but it is vital for Christianity if it is true , that he think through his faith afterwards to the point where he understands why he believes — at least to the level at which his mind demands satisfaction in understanding other areas of life .
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