Example sentences of "[adj] that none [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 From our results , it is clear that none of the mutations introduced in the different tRNA Asp variants considerably affected the synthesis of m 2 G at positions in the aminoacyl-stem and D-stem ( Table 1 ) .
2 But although the literature on these questions is very large and continually increasing , it is very clear that none of the specialists concerned know any of the answers .
3 We have made it explicitly clear that none of the changes that we propose , either in tax or in national insurance contributions , will make a penny difference to any individual earning less than £21,000 a year .
4 WITH ALL THIS BRAVADO it 's rather ironic that none of the performers would tell me their real names .
5 The murmur of amusement that ran round the gathering made it obvious that none of the women present saw this as a hardship .
6 MI5 agreed to give what help was necessary so it is fairly obvious that none of the security services took Eden 's directive seriously .
7 I 'm sure that none of the Springbok players will have felt like that as they came off the pitch , but , in the long run , the losses will benefit them .
8 She paused and peered down the rocky road to make sure that none of the children who lived in the lower houses had followed her .
9 If Burun 's refusal to place himself in a position of prominence by acting as Artai 's proposer was a subterfuge to disclaim his influence , then it was apparent that none of the Khans recognised it .
10 But although he listened politely to these ideas , Thornton became irritated that none of the people had done any business sums .
11 Anxious that none of the drama should be missed , commanders had planned the landing to the second .
12 It is therefore surprising that none of the articles includes any mention of the costs that might be incurred .
13 Certain that none of the men on the Flounder would have survived , she named each of them .
14 But the UK 's headlining musical guests are surprised that none of the staff seem to know their records or videos ( shown to the point of saturation on MTV and BET ) .
15 She was aware that none of the men except Luke took her seriously as a player .
16 It was true that none of the ones that sprang to mind seemed particularly adequate to Folly , but then Luke probably had n't even thought she might be jealous .
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